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Silk road | 丝绸之路

sī chóu zhī lù shì gǔ dài zhōng guó hé xī fāng zhī jiān de yī tiáo mào yì zhī lù 。


Tā dōng qǐ zhōng guó de xī ān ,jīng guò zhōng yà 、xī yà ,zuì yuǎn dào fēi zhōu hé ōu zhōu 。


The Silk Road is a historical trade route between China and West. It  starts in Xi’an, China, passes through Central and Western Asia and keeps heading west until reaching Africa and Europe.


Yīn wèi zhè tiáo mào yì zhī lù yùn sòng guò hěn duō sī chóu ,yī bā qī qī nián ,dé guó rén lǐ xī huò fēn bǎ tā mìng míng wéi “sī chóu zhī lù ”。


The term “Silk Road” was coined in 1877 by the German traveller Ferdinand von Richthofen due to the existence of  numerous deliveries of silk along the road.


Cóng hàn cháo yǐ hòu ,shì jiè gè dì de shāng rén yán zhe zhè tiáo sī chóu zhī lù ,lái lái wǎng wǎng ,yùn sòng gè zhǒng huò wù 。

从汉朝以后 ,世界各地的商人沿着这条丝绸之路,来来往往,运送各种货物。

From Han Dynasty onwards, businessmen from all over the world traveled on the Silk Road with various kinds of goods.


Yóu cǐ ,zhōng guó de sī chóu 、chá yè 、cí qì děng jī hū dōu shì tōng guò zhè tiáo lù chuán dào le shì jiè gè dì ,xī fāng de xǔ duō wù pǐn yě chuán dào le zhōng guó 。


Thanks to this road, China’s silk, tea and porcelain were sold to other parts of the world, and many Western products were introduced to China.


Key words:

丝绸:  sīchóu    silk

贸易:  mào yì     trade

运送:  yùn sòng   to transport,to carry

沿着:  yán zhe    along

来来往往:  lái lái wǎng wǎng      to come and go

由此:    yóu cǐ        from this, as a result

几乎:    jī hū      almost


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