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Fly to the moon 嫦娥奔月

zhōng guó jì huá yú 2019nián nián dǐ qián hòu fā shè cháng é wǔ hào dēng lù yuè qiú bìng cǎi yàng fǎn huí 。

China plans to send its Chang’e 5 probe to the moon around the end of the year and bring lunar samples back to Earth.


guó jiā háng tiān jú fù jú zhǎng wú yàn huá shàng zhōu yī xià wǔ biǎo shì ,cháng é wǔ hào rèn wù jiāng shì wǒ guó tàn yuè gōng chéng jìn háng de xià yī bù gōng zuò ,biāo zhì zhe gāi gōng chéng dì sān jiē duàn de wán chéng ,gāi jiē duàn mù biāo shì yǐn dǎo tàn cè qì jiāng yuè qiú tǔ rǎng dài huí dì qiú 。

Wu Yanhua, deputy head of the China National Space Administration, said last Monday afternoon that the Chang’e 5 mission will be the next step in China’s lunar exploration and will mark the completion of the program’s third phase, whose goal is guiding a probe carrying lunar soil back to Earth.
ruò cháng é wǔ hào néng yuán mǎn wán chéng rèn wù ,wǒ guó jiāng chéng wéi jì měi guó 、é luó sī hòu dì sān gè qǔ huí yuè qiú yàng běn de guó jiā 。
If Chang’e 5 succeeds in its mission, China will become the third nation to retrieve lunar samples, after the US and Russia.
jù wú yàn huá jiè shào ,cháng é wǔ hào rèn wù wán chéng hòu ,wǒ guó jì huá shí shī cháng é liù hào 、qī hào hé bā hào rèn wù 。

定了! 嫦娥五号将于今年年底前后发射!

After Chang’e 5, China has plans for Chang’e 6, 7 and 8 missions, Wu said.


cháng é liù hào zhǐ zài zhe lù yuè qiú nán jí ,xié yán shí hé tǔ rǎng fǎn huí 。

Chang’e 6 is intended to land on the moon’s south pole, he said, and return with rocks and soil.
cháng é qī hào jiāng zhí háng yuè qiú nán jí tàn cè ,cháng é bā hào de rèn wù zé shì yàn zhèng wèi lái tàn yuè huò jiāng yùn yòng de yī xiē xiān jìn jì shù 。
Chang’e 7 will investigate the south pole, and Chang’e 8 will be tasked with verifying advanced technologies that may be applied in future lunar expeditions.
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