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Chinese wordlist——farm|在农场

liáng cāng

粮仓    granary

guǒ shù

果树  fruit tree

guǒ yuán

果园   orchard

gē cǎo jī

割草机  harvester


牛    ox


羊   goat

tuō lā jī

拖拉机   tractor

驴   donkey

nóng mín

农民  farmer

nóng tián

农田   farmland


猪  pig

yā zǐ

鸭子   duck


鹅  goose

chóng zǐ

虫子     worm

xiǎo jī

小鸡   chick

mǔ jī

母鸡  hen

gōng jī

公鸡   rooster

马   horse

tù zǐ

兔子   rabbit


语法点:Grammar opint

zhèng zài

正在    in the process on

mǎ zhèng zài chī cǎo ,

马正在吃草,The horse is eating hay.

niú zhèng zài gēng dì ,

牛正在耕地, the ox is plowing and the duck is swimming.

yā zǐ zhèng zài yóu yǒng 。

鸭子正在游泳。and the duck is swimming.

Extend articles:

Chinese wordlist-supermarket|在超市

Chinese word: 吹牛 (chuī niú)

Some Chinese Words for the Labor Day 和劳动节有关的中文词汇

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