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What Kind of Rubbish of You? | 你是什么“垃圾”?

nǐ shì shén me lā jī 


What kind of rubbish are you?


关于垃圾分类,中国一直在尝试做得更好! 如果你接受了这样的灵魂拷问,千万不要感到奇怪。毕竟在中国垃圾分类的时代来了。

China always tries its hardest to be better in waste sorting! It is not surprising that you are tortured by this question. After all, the era of waste sorting in China begins.


七月一日,《上海市生活垃圾管理条例》正式实施。 这意味着上海垃圾分类的强制时代来了。

Since 1st July, Shanghai will start enforcing its first regulation on domestic waste management. It’s been mandatory for individuals and companies in Shanghai to sort and recycle their household rubbish.


Nowadays, waste sorting became a heated topic. There’s been extensive media coverage explaining the changes as they approached and on the Sina Weibo microblog, a lot of people have been saying they’re happy about the positive environmental impact.But many still worry they might get it wrong by mistakes.



Don’t want to be fined for the wrong waste sorting? Let’s learn about the words and expressions refer to waste sorting!


yǒu hài  lā  jī有    害   垃  圾Hazardous Waste

yǒu hài lā jī zhǐ cún yǒu duì rén tǐ jiàn kāng yǒu hài de zhòng jīn shǔ 、 yǒu dú de wù zhì huò zhě duì huán jìng zào chéng xiàn shí wēi hài huò zhě qián zài wēi hài de fèi qì wù  有害垃圾指存有对人体健康有害的重金属、有毒的物质或者对环境造成现实危害或者潜在危害的废弃物。Hazardous waste is waste that has substantial or potential threats to public health or the environment.

kě  huí shōu wù可   回    收     物Recyclable Waste

kě huí shōu wù shì zhǐ huí shōu guò hòu jīng guò zài jiā gōng ké yǐ chéng wéi shēng chǎn yuán liào huò zhě jīng guò zhéng lǐ ké yǐ zài lì yòng de wù pǐn 。 可回收物是指回收过后经过再加工可以成为生产原料或者经过整理可以再利用的物品。Recycling is processing used materials (waste) into new, useful products.

Recyclable materials include paper, cardboard, glass, plastic and metal.

shī  lā  jī湿   垃  圾Household Waste

shī lā jī zhǔ yào zhǐ chú yú (shí wù) lā jī 。湿垃圾主要指厨余(食物)垃圾。zhǐ shí cái fèi liào 、shèng cài shèng fàn 、guò qī shí pǐn 、guā pí guǒ hé 、huā huì lǜ zhí 、zhōng yào yào zhā děng yì fǔ de shēng wù zhì shēng huó fèi qì wù 。


Kitchen waste is defined as left-over organic matter from restaurants, hotels and households

ɡān lā  jī干   垃  圾Residual Waste

gān lā jī shì zhǐ shàng shù jǐ lèi zhī wài de qí tā lā jī 。干垃圾是指上述几类之外的其他垃圾。Residual waste refers to the other wastes other than mentioned above.

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