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Colors in oriental and western world

How do we choose, organize and explain everything from the world?

Some people say we use our brain to sense the stimulation from the world.

I agree, but here is a question, Is everybody sensing the world the same way???

The answer to this question will be negative.

There was a experiment that asked people about the colours of zebra. Some of them think zebra is white horse with black strings, and some of them think zebra is black horse with white stripes…


Today, let’s learn something about colors difference between Chinese culture and American culture.

colors in oriental and western world

According a survey designed by Chen guoming, a professor in China, the associative meanings of colors are pretty different between American students and Chinese students.


American students:

Black  黑色 hēi sè:     death死亡(sǐ wáng),evil邪恶(xié è),grief悲伤(bēi shāng),sexy性感(xìng gǎn)

Blue    蓝色 lán sè:        cold冷(lěng),male男性(nán xìng),sad伤心(shāng xīn)

Green  绿色 lǜ sè:      envy嫉妒(jí dù),greedy贪婪(tān lán ),money金钱(jīn qián)

Pink    粉色 fěn sè:     female女性(nǚ xìng),shy羞涩(xiū sè),tenderness温柔(wēn róu )

Red    红色 hóng sè:   angry生气(shēng qì),hot炎热(yán rè),love爱情(ài qíng),sex性(xìng)

White 白色 bái sè:      pure纯洁(chún jié),peace和平(hé píng),innocent无辜(wú gū)

Yellow 黄色 huáng sè:  cautious谨慎(jǐn shèn),happiness幸福(xìng fú),sunshine阳光(yáng guāng)


Same words

Chinese students:

Black黑色hēi sè:      solemnity庄严(zhuāng yán),heavy沉重(chén zhòng),death死亡(sǐ wáng)

Blue蓝色lán sè :       calmness冷静(lěng jìng),grief哀伤(āi shāng),melancholy忧郁(yōu yù)

Green绿色lǜ sè :         life生命(shēng mìng),environmental环保(huán bǎo),hope希望(xī wàng)

Pink粉色fěn sè :       sweet温馨(wēn xīn),cute可爱(kě ài),ambiguity暧昧(ài mèi)

Red红色hóng sè :     festive喜庆(xǐ qìng),dangerous危险(wēi xiǎn),revolution革命(gé mìng)

White白色bái sè :        clean干净(gàn jìng),cold冷(lěng),funeral丧事(sàng shì)

Yellow黄色huáng sè:warm温暖(wēn nuǎn),财富(cái fù ),色情(sè qíng),帝王(dì wáng)


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