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Red in Chinese culture

An understanding of cultural color and symbolism is essential to anyone doing business with Chinese people. Today, let's focus on red, an auspicious color in China. 

Red 红色 (hóng sè) is a prominent color in Chinese culture. It represents strength, vitality and energy. It's also related to festivity. As an auspicious (lucky) color, it's associated with holidays like Chinese New Year, as well as weddings.

Varieties of red:

粉红 (fěn hóng) pink

玫瑰红 (méi gūi hóng) rose red

朱红 (zhū hóng) vermilion

枣红 (zǎo hóng) maroon

玫瑰红 (méi gūi hóng) rose red

莲红 (lián hóng) lotus red

深红 (shēn hóng) dark red

辣椒红 (là jiāo hóng) chili red

珊瑚红 (shān hú hóng) coral

棕红 (zōng hóng) reddish brown

鲜红 (xiān hóng) bright red

绯红 (fēi hóng) scarlet

Chinese chengyu containing using "red":

看破红尘 (kàn pò hóng chén) — "To see through the red dust of the world," meaning to give up worldly desires and adopt a Buddhist monastic lifestyle.

姹紫嫣红 (chà zǐ yān hóng) — "Beautiful purples and bright reds," used to describe a brightly colored bouquet of flowers.

面红耳赤 (miàn hóng ě chì) — "Face red and ears popping," to describe someone who's fiery mad and smoking-from-the-ears angry.

红杏出墙 (hóng xìng chū qiáng) — "The red apricot tree leans over the garden wall," referring to a wife having an illicit lover.

Source: fluentu

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