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China to build replica of Shakespeare’s hometown

A city in southern China has announced a plan to recreate William Shakespeare's hometown to express their love for The Bard.


'Little Stratford', located in the city of Fuzhou in Jiangxi province, is expected to contain replicas of Shakespeare's birthplace and family home as well as the Holy Trinity Church where the playwright was buried in Stratford-upon-Avon.


Christopher Saint, Leader of the Stratford-on-Avon District Council, who has just returned from a trip to Fuzhou, said he was honoured to learn that 'Chinese people would build a town looking like our homeland'.


'Little Stratford' is set to be a part of a new town, named Sanweng in Chinese, in the suburbs of Fuzhou, a city with around four million residents.


Sanweng town, currently in its conceptual phase, is designed to celebrate three legendary writers, William Shakespeare from England, Tang Xianzu from China and Miguel de Cervantes from Spain.


The three writers, each a highly respected figure in their homelands, all died in 1616.


The architectural blueprints of Sanweng were revealed in late September during an event hosted by Fuzhou government to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the deaths of Tang Xianzu, Shakespeare and Cervantes.


Source: Daily Mail

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