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What is China’s gaokao like for a foreigner?

Nearly 10 million students across China will sit the national college entrance exams on June 7th, 2016 to compete for an opportunity to enter their dream colleges and universities.


The 9.4 million Chinese students were cheered on June 6th, 2016 by a good-luck message from the legendary British physicist Stephen Hawking. In a message tweeted through his Weibo account, Hawking wished the next generation of scientific minds a success in their academic endeavors.


So what is China's College Entrance Examination (高考, gāo kǎo) like? Here is Thomas (Chinese name: 阿福), an Internet star in China who can speak fluent Chinese, talks something about Gaokao:

那么中国的高考到底是什么样子呢?下面是有着一口流利中文的"网红"Thomas (阿福)跟大家说说高考的一些事:

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