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Warcraft in China VS overseas: just a movie or something else

"World of Warcraft" was launched in North America nearly 11 years ago. The game still boasts over 7 million players – a huge feat for such an old game. And this year, the movie "Warcraft" finally gets its big Hollywood debut!


Let's take a look first around cinemas on the premiere day. 


In China:

The big-screen adaptation of the blockbuster video game has grossed more than $90 million in its first two days of release in China – a record-setting performance in the market. "Warcraft" is now one of the three movies in China that get box office revenue of more than 500 million yuan in two days.


China also has a special relationship with Warcraft, a game that had a transformative effect when it entered the country's online arena.


What have the Warcraft fans done for showing their crazy love for the game/movie?


A fan named burlogh online has spent almost a year on building the gates of Orgrimmar from Warcraft with Lego sets. Note that this isn't a 100% replica of Orgrimmar, but there are certainly quite a few resemblances:


In China, sport star Yao Ming made a block booking and invited game players from his community in Warcraft to watch the movie:


But in this case, there's good news and bad news.


Critics have been hypercritical on "Warcraft". The movie has a 24% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Here are some foreigners' movie reviews:


@Ethan Sacks: This is not "Lord of the Rings." It's barely "Dungeons & Dragons."


@jd2577417: Another terrible video-game adapted film. Why is Hollywood never successful with any of them?


@James N: 80% of global audiences don't know what this is about. 18% had heard of Warcraft and 2% are pumped to view it. How many fans will watch it per city? 100? 200? This movie should've been web only.


@David Ehrlich: This is truly a depressing experience. It's rare to feel such pity for a major studio movie, but watching Warcraft bend over backwards to set up a sequel is like watching a desperate paramedic apple CPR to someone who's clearly been dead for hours.


@Thewrap: Imagine "Battlefield Earth" without the verve and you get this sludgy, tedious fantasy adventure, a fun-starved dud that's not even unintentionally hilarious.


@Christy Lemire: Easily a contender for the worst movie of the year.


@Adam Graham: Sometimes video games are best left as video games.


@Screendaily: The film ends up feeling unconvincing and generic, with nothing to compare to either the dramatic heft of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy or the raunch and gore of Game of Thrones.


What about film reviews in China? Surprisingly, the result is quite optimistic:


@屁屁虫: 魔兽陪伴了我们的大学时光,可以说它是我们的青春。

We all have spent the college time with Warcraft. It means our youth.

@隐: 请接着往下拍!

Please move on to the next sequel!

@ghost: 看完了真想把魔兽争霸3再拿出来玩一遍。

What I want to do after watching the movie is to play the Warcraft 3 again.

@弘: 谁理你…我喜欢就好了!

Who cares about you! All that matters is I like it!

@无口: 魔兽这个电影很神奇,你明知它剧情拖沓无趣,破绽百出。但听到熟悉的台词,看见熟悉的道具场景还是会眼泛泪花。

It's an amazing movie. Even though it is tedious and full of flaws, still your eyes glistened with tears when you hear the familiar lines or see the familiar props and scenes.

@lsoke1029: 不找女朋友也要有魔兽!

We need Warcraft even it means no girlfriend.

@wwwwwww: 改编得不错,音效超棒,其实就算放放游戏背景音乐我就老泪纵横了好吗?

Great adapted film and amazing sound effect. To be honest, I shall burst into tears even with only the background music.

@一只麦麦: 看得热血沸腾,打一两星的我不想跟你们说话!

This film sets me on fire and I just ignore those who give one or two stars.

@有寂: 五星,给艾泽拉斯!

Five stars for Azeroth!

@Marilyn教父: 我不关心电影剧情,因为游戏都玩过了;我不关心特效,因为牛B的技术再带不走我的回忆;我不关心音乐,因为游戏背景音乐始终在我耳边响起;我只关心电影上映时身旁是否有曾经的战友陪伴…

I don't care the plot, because I have played the whole games; I don't care the effects, because even the advanced tech can't bring back my memory; I don't care the music, because my ears hear the BGM all the time. All I care is whether my old brothers would be around me on the premiere day…

Significantly, about a third of Warcraft's subscribers are in China; it's doubtful there would even be a Warcraft movie without them. Such an affection, in the world's fastest growing cinema market, is likely to be a deciding factor in fulfilling Duncan Jones's aspirations for a trilogy.


What's your story with Warcraft? What do you think of this movie? Just share with us!


[Key Words]

魔兽: mó shòu, Warcraft

改编: gǎi biān, adapt

剧情: jù qíng, plot

游戏: yóu xì, game

玩家: wán jiā, game player

The article is translated and editted by Chinlingo. Please indicate the source for any use, reproduction or transfer. 


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