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Net users offer self-defence tips after girl attacked at Yitel

girl attacked at yitel

The incident that a girl was viciously assaulted by a stranger at Beijing Yitel Hotel happened four days ago, but the fear still lingers. On April 4, a girl uploaded a camera video showing how she was dragged by a stranger at the hallway at Yitel Hotel Beijing Wangjing 798, where most bystanders turned a blind eye to her. 


China has seen several incidents in recent years where bystanders have refused to help those in need. The incident again caused public outrage among Chinese people, especially the women, who are anxious about their safety. 


Well, we're not going to blame the hotel, the police or the indifferent society. We've collected some tips on how to protect women in danger. After all, God helps those who help themselves! 


1. Yell for help 大声呼救

girl attacked at Yitel

If it happens in a crowd, yelling for help may work. But in a place where there're few people, yelling "On fire!" is better, as fire will affect them too, people hearing it are more likely to help you out. Moreover, the yell of "help!" may frighten off the people, who may avoid to intervene for the sake of personal safety. 


2. Specify a person you want to resort to 明确求救信号

Bystander effect is a social psychological phenomenon that refers to cases in which individuals do not offer any means of help to a victim when other people are present. The greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is that any one of them will help. Everyone waits for the other to offer help. 

"旁观者效应"(bystander effect)这个现象说的就是群体在面对事件时,个人承担的责任就会分散,大家都在期待他人承担责任,导致最后无人做出行动。

girl attacked at Yitel

Therefore, make sure to specify a bystander and explain to him what kind of help you need. 


3. Don't attack the scoundrel 不要轻易反击歹徒

If you have no tools to defend yourselves, it's inadvisable to attack the scoundrel, as it will irritate him and bring worse consequence. 


4. Call the police 报警求助

Call the police. But never to try to call the police in an attempt to threaten the scoundrel, or it may bring great danger. 


5. Report the case afterwards 事后及时报案

Report the case after you get rescued, so that the scoundrel will be arrested ASAP and prevent more harms to other people. 


The article is translated and editted by Chinlingo. Please indicate the source (info.chinlingo.com) for any use, reproduction or transfer. 


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