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Galloping Horses by Erhu player Gao Shaoqing




The erhu (二胡, èrhú) is a two-stringed bowed musical instrument, more specifically a spike fiddle, which may also be called a "southern fiddle", and sometimes known in the Western world as the "Chinese violin" or a "Chinese two-stringed fiddle". It is used as a solo instrument as well as in small ensembles and large orchestras. It is the most popular of the huqin family of traditional bowed string instruments used by various ethnic groups of China. A very versatile instrument, the erhu is used in both traditional and contemporary music arrangements, such as in pop, rock and jazz.


Gao Shaoqing:  

Born in Gansu, China 生于中国甘肃

One of the most famous Chinese erhu player 中国最著名的二胡演奏家之一

Nominee of Canadian Gemini Awards 加拿大Gemini大奖提名演奏家

The Chinese musician that makes erhu known to the music world 真正把二胡推向了“世界音乐”

The Galloping Horses in this video was played by Gao Shaoqing in the inauguration of the Canadian Governor General in 2014. 视频中的《战马奔腾》是高韶青于2014年加拿大总督就职仪式上演奏的。

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