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Talking about superhero in Chinese

superheroes in Chinese, Chinese vocabulary, learning Chinese

With so many comic books being turned into films and shown in cinemas, Chinese people are becoming more familiar with American comics (美国漫画 měiguó mànhuà, 美漫 měimàn for short). The Avengers, Iron Man, Superman, The Incredible Hulk, Spiderman and the X-men have all got their fan bases in China. Know your Marvel (漫威 màn wēi) vocabulary in Chinese so that the next time you discuss your favorite characters and stories with your Chinese friends, you won't have to stop and Google the terms!

Superheroes: 超级英雄 chāojí yīngxióng

Superhero comics: 超级英雄漫画 chāojí yīngxióng mànhuà. 超漫 chāo màn for short.

Villain: referred to 反派 fǎnpài, antagonists, or sometimes 坏人 huàirén, which means "bad guys".

We have compiled a list of the terms according to each superhero, which we can take a look at below, starting with the main super powers:

Super Powers: 超能力 (chāo néng lì)

Telekinesis: 心灵遥感 (xīn líng yáo gǎn)

Teleportation: 瞬间移动 (Shùnjiān yídòng)

Telepathy: 心灵感应 (xīn líng gǎn yìng)

Shapeshifting: 变形 (biàn xíng)

Flying: 飞行 (fēi xíng)

Invisibility: 隐形 (yǐn xíng)

Fire breathing: 喷火 (pēn huǒ)

Forcefield: 力场 (lì chǎng)

Superhuman strength: 超人力量/神力 (chāo rén lì liàng/shén lì)

Superhuman speed: 超人速度 (chāo rén sù dù)

Superhuman senses: 超人感觉 (chāo rén gǎn jué)

Batman: 蝙蝠侠 (biān fú xiá)

Robin: 罗宾 (luó bīn)

Batgirl: 蝙蝠女 (biān fú nǚ)

Joker: 小丑 (xiǎo chǒu)

Mr.Freeze: 急冻人 (jí dòng rén)

Poison Ivy: 毒藤女 (dú téng nǚ)

Bane: 贝恩 (bèi ēn)

Bruce Wayne: 布鲁斯·韦恩 (bù lǔ sī wéi ēn)

Gotham City: 哥谭市 (gē tán shì)

Bat-mobile: 蝙蝠侠战车 (biān fú xiá zhàn chē )

Catwoman: 猫女 (māo nǚ)

Superman: 超人 (chāo rén)

Lois Lane: 洛伊斯·莱恩 (luò yī sī lái ēn)

Lex Luthor: 莱克斯·卢瑟 (lái kè sī lú sè)

Clark Kent: 克拉克·肯特 (kè lā kè kěn tè )

Man of Steel: 钢铁之躯 (gāng tiě zhī qū)

Kryptonite: 氪石 (kè shí)

Now for the actual Marvel superheroes:

The Spiderman series involve a lot of mutations (变异 biànyì), as happens to Peter Parker and the villains. He also has fast healing powers, 快速痊愈 kuàisù quányù.

Spiderman: 蜘蛛侠 (zhī zhū xiá)

Peter Parker: 彼得·帕克 (bǐ dé pà kè)

Mary Jane: 玛丽·简 (mǎ lì jiǎn)

Harry Osborn: 哈里·奥斯本 (hā lǐ ào sī běn)

Green Goblin: 绿魔 (lǜ mó)

Doctor Octopus: 章鱼博士 (zhāng yú bó shì)

X Men:X 战警 (X zhàn jǐng)

Professor X/Charles Xavier: X 教授/查尔斯·泽维尔 (X jiāo shòu/chá ěr sī zé wéi ěr)

Wolverine: 金刚狼 (jīn gāng láng)

Storm: 暴风女 (bào fēng nǚ)

Magneto: 万磁王 (wàn cí wáng)

Mystique: 魔形女 (mó xíng nǚ)

Mutant: 变种人/异种战士 (biàn zhǒng rén/yì zhǒng zhàn shì)

Cyclops: 独眼龙/镭射眼 (dú yǎn lóng/léi shè yǎn)

Rogue: 罗刹女 (luó chà nǚ)

Nightcrawler: 夜行者 (yè háng zhě)

Colossus: 钢力士 (gāng lì shì)

ShadowCat: 幻影猫 (huàn yǐng māo)

Silverfox: 银狐 (yín hú)

Lastly, We list other famous superheroes, some from Marvel, some from DC.

Iron Man: 钢铁侠 (gāng tiě xiá)

Hulk: 绿巨人浩克 (lǜ jù rén hào kè)

Wonder Woman: 神奇女侠 (shén qí nǚ xiá)

Green Lantern: 绿灯侠 (lǜ dēng xiá)

Captain America: 美国队长 (měi guó duì zhǎng)

The Flash: 闪电侠 (shǎn diàn xiá)

Thor: 雷神托尔 (léi shén tuō ěr)

The Avengers: 复仇者联盟 (fù chóu zhě lián méng)

Justice League: 正义联盟 (zhèng yì lián méng)

Additionally, Thor's realm, Asgard is called 永恒境界阿斯加德 yǒnghéng jìngjiè ā sī jiā dé, his brother Loki (洛基 luò jī) was exiled to earth (流放到地球 liúfàng dào dìqiú). And as it happens to many superheroes, Thor becomes earth's protector.

The important organization in Marvel Comics, S.H.I.E.L.D is called 神盾局 shén dùn jú.

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