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Kevin Cook’s funny travel experience in Tsingtao beer brewery

If you travel to Qingdao, you have to visit the Tsingtao Beer Brewery, or the "World of Tsingtao." Within its red brick walls lies the historic secrets of the Tsingtao brewing process, some bizarre exhibits, and of course, free beer.

For 50 yuan, you can enter the brewery-museum to learn about the history of Tsingtao beer, various brewing processes, and admire old relics of once-used brewing equipment.

I'll be honest. The first part of the tour is a little boring. Me and my friends just wanted the free beer.

Half way through the tour, you get to enjoy one free glass of unfiltered, raw Tsingtao beer. It was pure deliciousness straight from the source. My only complaint was that the sample was too small.

After our first free taste of unfiltered Tsingtao, we were left wanting more beer. The exhibits in the second half of the museum were a little more interesting and engaging than the first half, like the "Drunken House."

Walking through the Drunken House, you'll feel like you have a hefty buzz because the room is tilted. You might even feel like you're about to fall over.

After stumbling through the Drunken House like an alcoholic, you get a second free sample-size glass of draught beer. Then, if you're like me and my friends, you'll want to stay to enjoy a couple more pitchers of freshly brewed Tsingtao beer.

While the museum itself didn't really pique my interest, the taste and smell of fresh brewed Tsingtao beer is really what makes this museum/brewery worth visiting. To be totally fair, I'm just not a museum guy.

I hope you enjoyed taking a tour of the Tsingtao Beer Brewery and museum with me and my friends in this video. Be sure to watch it all the way through for a beer-in-a-bag surprise at the end. Thanks for watching.

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