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China’s rich rush to learn Western manners to raise profile


Five Chinese women are sitting upright in their chairs, designer handbags at their heels, listening attentively to a trendy Chinese Tatler magazine photographer describe how to pose in public. He is talking makeup, light and cheekbones. The room is decorated with Pierre Frey wallpaper and the participants sip tea out of a Bernardaud tea set. Notepad in hand, they are learning the dos and don’ts of camera etiquette.

5位中国女士端坐在椅子上,脚旁放着设计师手袋。她们在聚精会神地聆听《尚流Tatler》杂志的一位时尚摄影师传授在公开场合摆姿势的方式。他正在谈论化妆、灯光和颧骨。房间里贴着Pierre Frey壁纸,学员们喝茶时使用的都是柏图出品的精美茶具。她们都手拿笔记本,认真学习镜头前的各种礼仪规范。


The course entitled "How to pose elegantly in front of the camera" is one of many offered by Institute Sarita, a modern-day version of European finishing schools that caters to Chinese nouveaux riche. Other courses offered by the school, located in the trendy Sanlitun district of Beijing, include how to raise children, proper table manners and luxury brand pronunciation.  

这堂名为"如何在镜头前摆出优雅姿势"的课程是瑞雅礼仪学院(Institute Sarita)提供的诸多课程之一。这所学院是现代版的欧洲女子精修学校,它的诞生迎合了中国新富阶层的需求。这家位于北京三里屯的学院还提供其他课程,包括如何养育子女、得体的餐桌礼仪和奢侈品品牌的发音。


"Most of my clients had an embarrassing moment, overseas or during a business dinner. They come here because they want to make thing easier for themselves," said Sara-Jane Ho, the perfectly groomed school founder, as she sat in a drawing room furnished with imported French antique furniture.

"我的多数客户都在海外或商务晚宴上有过令人尴尬的经历。他们之所以来到这里,是希望能在这些场合更加从容,"瑞雅礼仪学院创始人何佩嵘(Sara-Jane Ho)说。她接受采访时的穿着非常干练,会客厅里摆满法国进口的古典家具。


"It’s mostly learning about how to behave in an international environment," said Ho, who herself studied etiquette at the Institut Villa Pierrefeu in Switzerland, one of the last proper finishing schools in the world. So far she has attracted a couple hundred wealthy Chinese to her courses. She is opening a Shanghai branch in May.

"主要是学习在国际环境中的行为举止,"何佩嵘说。她本人曾经在瑞士IVP学院(皮埃尔弗别墅学院,Institut Villa Pierrefeu)进修过礼仪。IVP是全世界仅剩的几所正宗的精修学校之一。到目前为止,她已经吸引了数百名中国富豪参加自己的课程,5月份还在上海开设了分校。


With 190 billionaires and more than two million millionaires, China tags just behind the US in number of high-net-worth individuals, according to research from Forbes magazine and Boston Consulting Group.

根据《福布斯》杂志(Forbes)和波士顿咨询公司(Boston Consulting Group)的研究,中国有190名亿万富豪和200多万名百万富豪,高净值人群数量仅次于美国,位居全球第二。


Many of these fortunes have grown rapidly, in lock-step with China’s newly expanding economy and multiplying business opportunities. Some who find themselves newly wealthy have little knowledge or training in how to behave in international business or social events.



"The country was so isolated 30 years ago," said Ho. "The spike in wealth has happened in a compressed time. This transformation has created a lot of pressure on individuals."



As a result, some businesspeople may appear uncouth and blunt to their western or Asian counterparts. Finesse, on the other hand, can smooth many business transactions. "Simply knowing how to be comfortable with a knife and fork can be a deal clincher," said James Hebbert, who represents Seatton, a British etiquette school in China.

因此,与西方或亚洲其他国家相比,中国商人显得有些笨拙和迟钝。另一方面,恰当的礼仪也对很多商业交易大有裨益。"光是知道如何恰当地使用刀叉就有助于达成交易。"詹姆斯·赫伯特(James Hebbert)说,他任职于Seatton,这是一家在中国设立的英式礼仪学校。



Filling a niche


Clients who attend etiquette courses in China include government officials, children enrolled in overseas schools, wives looking to entertain important guests and those who enjoy travelling abroad.



"There is a huge demand all along the spectrum," said Hebbert, whose clients were first primarily drivers of Rolls Royces wanting to dress the part, then evolved to middle-class customers in search of a British-lifestyle experience. "In just a few years, I have seen a real shift in clientele. More and more Chinese are travelling. They see the advantage of having an international edge."



If learning how to peel an orange with a knife and fork may seem slightly superfluous in Europe, in China the newly rich are ready to pay what it takes to acquire the manners that come with their new status.



"The next time I visit Milan and dine in a nice restaurant I can confidently tell my husband he shouldn’t hold his knife like a dagger," said a participant of a two-hour Western dining etiquette course with James Hebbert in Shanghai, who didn't want her name used.



Hebbert charges 20,000 yuan ($3,243) per group of 10 for an afternoon session.



Institute Sarita’s most popular course, "Hostessing", costs 100,000 yuan ($16,216) for 12 days in which the client learns skills ranging from engaging in small talk to pairing wines with a meal.



Lack of manners



Media and even the Chinese president have been critical of how some Chinese travellers have behaved on trips. On a September trip to the Maldives, Chinese President Xi Jinping suggested Chinese citizens be "a bit more civilised when travelling abroad."



With more than 100 million Chinese travelling in 2014, misbehaviours have grabbed headlines worldwide. Among the most extreme: defacing an Egyptian sculpture, throwing boiling water on a flight attendant and urinating outside.



In October, China’s National Tourism Administration issued strict guidelines on how to behave while travelling. In a 64-page booklet, Chinese tourists are warned against peeing in swimming pools, stealing life jackets from planes and leaving footprints on the toilet seat. Punishments for such behaviours include fining tour operators and blacklisting rude tourists.



What can seem to an outsider as impolite today — such as pushing, queue barging, speaking loudly or picking your nose in public — is common behaviour for the majority of Chinese. But as China opens up and engages with the world awareness is growing among the population on how they are being perceived overseas.



A new face



To disassociate themselves from this reputation, many of the new elite are seeking refinement at etiquette schools. At the same time, they are looking to good manners as a new form of status symbol.



"[The Chinese] understand that their position as the most powerful country in the world puts them in a situation where they need to learn about other cultures and behaviours so as to smoothen political and business relationships," said Viviane Neri, principal of Institut Villa Pierrefeu, in an email.

"中国人明白,由于他们的祖国已经成为全世界最强大的国家,所以他们也必须了解其他的文化和习俗,以此促进政治和商务关系。"皮埃尔弗别墅学院院长薇薇安·内利(Viviane Neri)在电子邮件中说道。


"Before, it was about owning a big car," said Hebbert. "Now the rich are looking for something else to make the difference."


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