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Chinese consumers care more about product quality


In a recent interview, Steve Frazier, vice president of Amazon Global, said that there were few differences between the demands of Chinese and American consumers. Chinese customers always focus more on whether the product is genuine or not.

亚马逊全球副总裁Steve Frazier日前在接受采访时表示,中国消费者与美国消费者在需求方面差别并不大,不过中国消费者会更关注“是不是正品”。


According to Steve Frazier, stores on Amazon Global operate in two ways. First, the customers can shop on Amazon Global website, including the Amazon U.S. site, European and Japanese sites, and then get their goods through Amazon's international logistics. Steve revealed that for now that more and more Chinese consumers visit the Amazon U.S. Site directly, browsing the detailed information of products and then place orders on the site.

据Steve Frazier表示,亚马逊全球商店有两种模式,第一种是消费者可以从包括亚马逊美国网站、欧洲网站、日本网站在内的亚马逊全球网站上购买商品,之后借助亚马逊跨境物流收到商品。据其透露,目前有不少中国消费者会直接访问亚马逊美国网站,浏览商品的信息并在亚马逊美国网站上下单。


The second, Chinese consumers place orders on local stores website, without checking and ordering the products on the Amazon U.S. site. For example, customers can directly check out the information of the products on the Chinese Amazon website and buy those products on Amazon China with local customer service support. This kind of localized shopping is called the international shopping store, and China is the first country where people can shop in these international stores in the local Amazon website.



For now the products on these international stores are from Amazon U.S., including 3 million products produced by 32,000 international brands. For the differences between Chinese and American customers, Steve Frazier thinks that both of them vary greatly, depending on the product quantity, whether the prices are consumer-friendly or if the products are convenient enough to get. However, Chinese customers are more concerned about whether the products are genuine or not.

目前“海外购”商店所有商品均来自亚马逊美国网站,包括3.2万个国际品牌的300万种商品。对于中美消费者之间差异,Steve Frazier表示,两个国家的消费者都是关注这么几个方面:产品是不是足够丰富、价格是不是足够好、是不是能够方便的地买到。中国消费者还有一个非常关注的问题,就是“是不是能确保是正品”。

In a recent interview, Steve Frazier, vice president of Amazon Global, said that there were few differences between the demands of Chinese and American consumers. Chinese customers always focus more on whether the product is genuine or not.

亚马逊全球副总裁Steve Frazier日前在接受采访时表示,中国消费者与美国消费者在需求方面差别并不大,不过中国消费者会更关注“是不是正品”。


According to Steve Frazier, stores on Amazon Global operate in two ways. First, the customers can shop on Amazon Global website, including the Amazon U.S. site, European and Japanese sites, and then get their goods through Amazon’s international logistics. Steve revealed that for now that more and more Chinese consumers visit the Amazon U.S. Site directly, browsing the detailed information of products and then place orders on the site.

据Steve Frazier表示,亚马逊全球商店有两种模式,第一种是消费者可以从包括亚马逊美国网站、欧洲网站、日本网站在内的亚马逊全球网站上购买商品,之后借助亚马逊跨境物流收到商品。据其透露,目前有不少中国消费者会直接访问亚马逊美国网站,浏览商品的信息并在亚马逊美国网站上下单。


The second, Chinese consumers place orders on local stores website, without checking and ordering the products on the Amazon U.S. site. For example, customers can directly check out the information of the products on the Chinese Amazon website and buy those products on Amazon China with local customer service support. This kind of localized shopping is called the international shopping store, and China is the first country where people can shop in these international stores in the local Amazon website.



For now the products on these international stores are from Amazon U.S., including 3 million products produced by 32,000 international brands. For the differences between Chinese and American customers, Steve Frazier thinks that both of them vary greatly, depending on the product quantity, whether the prices are consumer-friendly or if the products are convenient enough to get. However, Chinese customers are more concerned about whether the products are genuine or not.

目前“海外购”商店所有商品均来自亚马逊美国网站,包括3.2万个国际品牌的300万种商品。对于中美消费者之间差异,Steve Frazier表示,两个国家的消费者都是关注这么几个方面:产品是不是足够丰富、价格是不是足够好、是不是能够方便的地买到。中国消费者还有一个非常关注的问题,就是“是不是能确保是正品”。

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