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Samantha Thavasa enters Tmall, targeting Chinese market

日本“香奈儿”进天猫 海外市场首选中国.jpg

Samantha Thavasa, the top handbag brand in Japan, started cooperation with Baozun e-commerce, entering the Tmall platform and opening a flagship store on June 17th.

日本第一女包品牌Samantha Thavasa和宝尊电商合作,于6月17号入驻天猫,开设Samantha Thavasa天猫旗舰店。

Started in 1996 in Tokyo, Samantha Thavasa was mainly branded as lovely and sweet, and convenient for work. It was quite popular among Japanese young females, and called the “Chanel of Japan”.

Samantha Thavasa品牌于1996年诞生于东京,风格以可爱甜美为主轴,兼具上班的实用性,在日本年轻女性中极具影响力,被称为“日本的香奈儿”。


In the past, Samantha Thavasa only had a shopping website in Japan. Now it got its first overseas shopping platform, the Tmall store, aiming to promote its popularity in China and provide convenient way for Chinese consumers to purchase their bags. Also the aim is to attract Chinese tourists to come to Japan.

过去,Samantha Thavasa只在日本有购物网站,本次新上线的天猫旗舰店,是其首家海外线上购物平台,目的在于提升品牌在中国的知名度、为中国消费者提供方便的购买渠道,以及吸引访日游客。


“For now we own very few shops in China, and we still need to enhance on our brand awareness. Opening a store in Tmall is the first step. In the coming future, we will consider the store on Tmall as one of our major shops, and expand Samantha Thavasa to the rest of the Chinese market.”

Samantha Thavasa表示,“我们目前在中国的门店覆盖较少,品牌知名度有待提高,开设天猫旗舰店可以作为销售渠道很好的补充,进一步提高中国市场的认知度。未来,我们将把天猫旗舰店作为品牌主要店铺之一,把Samantha Thavasa推向广阔的中国市场。”


Japanese brands are interested and willing to expand towards the Chinese market in recent years. Before Samantha Thavasa, Tokyo Otaku Mode, a Japanese e-commerce, entered Tmall on May 18 through China Express; On June 1 Isshin, a Japanese facial mask producer, opened a store on Tmall too.

近几年日本品牌方对中国市场的兴趣较高,乐于拓展中国市场。在Samantha Thavasa之前,日本文化电商Tokyo Otaku Mode通过China Express,于5月18日入驻天猫;6月1日,日本面膜商一心堂本铺入驻天猫。


Chinese customers prefer to do shopping on Japanese cross-border sites. According to METI, the market value of international e-commerce where Chinese customers buy things form Japan is expected to be about¥100.5 billion by 2020.



Finally, opening of this new flagship store on Tmall offers Samantha Thavasa an opportunity to crack the Chinese market and promote global awareness and competitiveness.

可想,在天猫开旗舰店是Samantha Thavasa占据中国市场、提高全球知名度和竞争力的机会。

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