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Are Chinese more diligent than people in other countries?


Do the Chinese really work harder than everyone else? In 1989, Martin Sorrell, head of the advertising firm WPP, looked out while on a train from Hong Kong to Guangzhou, China and could not believe his eyes. It was Sunday, but thousands of Chinese did not pause from their toil.
1989年,WPP广告公司老总马丁索雷尔乘火车自香港到中国广州。 在车窗外他难以置信的看到,尽管是在周日,成千上万的中国人还是在辛勤工作。

“What are the British doing at this time?” Sorrell told the UK’s Daily Telegraph. “Watching football at the pub! We had no choice (but to expand to China). The future was here.”

Sorrell was not the first to marvel at the Chinese work ethic. In his 2013 book “Chinese Whispers,” Ben Chu, economics editor of UK’s The Independent, describes similar observations from foreigners through the centuries.

In 1750, Scottish philosopher David Hume said that if China were as near to Britain as France or Spain, then “everything we use would be Chinese,” a remarkable foresight of our modern world, where most things are made in China.

In 1872, the American satirist Mark Twain said that “a lazy Chinaman does not exist,” and added that “white men often complain of want of work, but a Chinaman offers no such complaints; he always manages to find something to do.”


In 1900, English writer Rudyard Kipling visited Hong Kong and never saw “a single Chinaman asleep while daylight lasted … or 20 men who were loafing. All were going to some definite end.”

The most tangible proof of Chinese industry came in the form of the US First Transcontinental Railroad, which connected the east and west coasts in 1869. Thousands of workers hacked their way through the Sierra Nevada mountains through six harrowing winters. 90 percent were Chinese, 11,000 of them, and 2,000 died during construction, buried near the tracks.

At the eve of the Second World War, US marine Evans Carlson was bowled over by the sheer industry and drive of the Chinese who were then resisting the Japanese. This trait was called “Gongyehezoushe” in Chinese, and from this term, Carlson coined the word “gung-ho,” still in use today to denote enthusiasm, cooperation and dedication rolled into one.
二战前夕,美国大兵埃文斯卡尔森对当时正在抵抗日本侵略的中国人所展示出的纯粹的勤劳和动力感到深深折服。中文里面把这种特性称为“工业合作社(原文拼错 了-译者注)”,卡尔森通过这个杜撰出一个词叫做“gung ho”(同心协力), 在现代,这个词仍然代表着热情,合作以及奉献。


Eat bitterness

Do the Chinese themselves feel that they work hard? Throughout most of its history, generally, yes. Ben Chu again marshals the evidence, starting with the popular saying chi ku nai lao, which literally means “eat bitterness, endure labor.” Most Chinese are resigned to the idea that toil is an inescapable part of life.

中国人自己觉得工作辛苦吗? 纵观大部分历史,这个答案是”是“。 本楚同样罗列了证据,一开头就是一个广为人知的词”吃苦耐劳“,从字面上解释就是”吃苦,耐劳”。 绝大多数中国人认为劳累是生命中无法避免的一环。

In dynastic days, one of the few ways for an ordinary citizen to better his lot is through passing the civil exams, and Chinese history is replete with legends of sons (daughters were not allowed to study) who burned the midnight oil or studied with firefly light, and parents who sacrificed everything to ensure that their kids’ diligence paid off.
旧中国时,平民百姓能够”暮登天子堂“的方式之一就是通过科举。中国的典故里有很多都是家中的男丁(女性后代是没有资格学习的)凿壁借光,囊萤映雪努力学习的美谈。 同样,家长也会不惜一切来支持他们孩子的努力。

When the communists took over, hard work became part of the national fabric. In 1945, Mao Zedong narrated the story of an old man and his two sons who were using ordinary hoes to move a mountain. When people laughed, the old man said, “When I die, my sons will carry on; when they die, my grandsons, and then their sons and grandsons, to infinity. The mountains cannot grow any higher, and with every bit we dig, they will be that much lower.”


In 2011, in the wake of the American and European financial crisis, Jin Liqun, head of the sovereign wealth fund China Investment Corporation, described to UK Channel 4 News the contrasting work ethic of East and West.

“The root cause of trouble is the overburdened welfare system, built up since the Second World War in Europe, the sloth-inducing, indolence-inducing, labor laws. People need to work a bit harder, they need to work a bit longer, and they should be more innovative. We Chinese work like crazy.”

Even in the East, the Chinese are viewed as the most hard-working. In 2004, former Singapore prime minister Lee Kuan Yew contrasted the two Asian giants, China and India, placing his bets squarely on the former.


“The Indians haven’t got the Confucian culture. Without a culture that enjoins you to endure hardship and have the stamina to struggle on in a cohesive society where the individual subsumes himself for the benefit of the family and his society, it’s difficult to expect that degree of sacrifice.”

The above findings do not mean that other people are not hard-working. Pinoys may not be that disciplined here, but overseas Filipino workers, from helpers and teachers to seamen and construction workers, have a reputation as being solid and reliable. Immigrants of whatever stripe, whether from Asia or Africa, work incessantly to make a better life for themselves and their children.
当然上述所说并不是认为其他的民族就不努力工作了。 菲律宾人虽然没有那么的守纪,但是海外的菲裔劳工,从助手到教师, 到海员到建筑工人,都有着踏实以及可靠的美誉。来自世界各地的移民们,不管是来自亚洲抑或非洲,都为着自己的家庭孩子,为着更好的生活而努力工作。

The Chinese reputation for hard work appears to have basis. But researchers now question whether this will last.

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