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China to correct gender imbalance by loosening One Child Policy


Last week China released new census data showing that Chinese families favor sons over daughters. In 2014, according to the data, Chinese women gave birth to 115.9 boys for every 100 girls. (The natural human birth ratio is around 105 boys to every 100 girls.) Skewed gender ratios of this sort date back to the early 1980s, and the impact has been cumulative. China now has 33 million more men than women, tens of millions of whom may never be able to find mates.

China’s so-called one-child policy was initiated in the early 1980s with the goal of slowing the country’s population growth. According to the prevailing narrative, it also had the effect of skewing the country’s gender balance. The policy is said to have encouraged expectant parents who harbored a traditional preference for sons over daughters to seek out ultrasounds and — if a girl was expected — to pursue sex selective abortions. In that sense, Chinese President Xi Jinping’s loosening of the one-child policy in Nov. 2013 might reasonably be expected to begin correcting the country’s gender imbalance.

Census data reveals, however, that Chinese families with multiple children have made a disproportionate contribution in recent years to the country’s gender imbalance. According to an analysis of census data from 2000, 51.5 percent of first children surveyed were boys — a nearly normal sex ratio. But in those cases where a first child was a girl, 62 percent of the children who followed were sons — a completely unnatural ratio. And, in those cases where families had two daughters, the likelihood that a third child would be a son was 70 percent.
然而,人口普查数据显示,中国近年来性别比例失衡,多子女家庭在其中扮演了极其重要的角色。对2000年人口普查数据进行分析后发现,被调查家庭所生育第 一个子女中,男孩所占比例为51.5%。而在那些头胎生了女儿的家庭中,第二胎中男孩所占比例为62%——一个完全不正常的高比例。至于那些生了两胎都是女孩的家庭,所生第三胎中男孩比例则高达70%。

The phenomenon isn’t just confined to the 2000 census. A 2009 study of Chinese census data taken in 2005 showed that second born children had an average sex ratio of 146 boys to 100 girls (and, in nine provinces it exceeded 160 to 100), while first children, again, had nearly normal sex ratios. And as recently as 2011, the Chinese province of Heilongjiang reported a sex ratio of 113.45 to 100 for second order births and 147 to 100 for third order births. In all cases, it’s second children — not the first born children that one would assume would be most affected by the one-child policy — that make the greatest contribution to China’s unbalanced sex ratio.

What explains this phenomenon? At least two studies have shown that families allowed to have two-children maintain a preference for boys that co-exists with a desire for a male-female mix (a male-male mix is less desirable). In other words: If a couple desires a boy and a girl — as many Chinese apparently do — the least emotionally and financially draining means of ensuring that outcome is to allow nature to take its course with the first child, and sex select as necessary with the second.
怎么解释这一现象呢?至少有两个调查表明,被允许生二胎的家庭在偏好男孩的同时,还希望所生的两个孩子是一男一女(凑合一些两个男孩也能接受)。换句话 说,如果一对夫妻想要一个男孩一个女孩——很多中国家庭明显都有这种偏好——要确保这种结果出现,在情感上和经济上最保险的做法就是,生第一胎时顺其自 然,第二胎时则会进行必要的性别筛选。

According to a 2014 study, women in China with high school educations (and, presumably, more earning power) were 7.4 percent more likely to have a boy as their second child than women with no formal schooling, while sex ratio imbalances were most pronounced in counties with the greatest growth in economic output.

India doesn’t have a one-child (or one-plus child) policy. But the fact that it’s facing a similar problem strongly suggests there are deep-seated cultural factors at work in both countries. China, in other words, won’t be able to correct its gender imbalance simply by loosening its family planning policies.

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