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Reasons behind Alibaba’s sucess


The analysis from the perspective of individuals: One part of the successes of Aibaba from managing, motivating and inspiring of the employees. Firstly, Alibaba has a specific and definite means on talent. Secondly, integrity and professional ethics has been the fore in Alibaba talent recruitment strategy. Thirdly, Alibaba pay attention to employee training, adhere to the "staff first" cultural creed. Fourthly, Alibaba's incentive object is to all staffs, tying every employee and the company together closely, emphasizing "mine is yours, yours are mine", and incentives is not confined to pay incentives, Alibaba also provides ideal incentive and equity incentive to arouse the enthusiasm of staff. Fifthly, for staff management, Alibaba respect and care staff, satisfied the sense of belonging of employees, pay attention to provide a good growth environment for them, to keep them willing to stay in Alibaba.

从个体的角度分析:阿里巴巴的成功,其中一部分来自其对员工的管理,激励和积极性调动。 第一,阿里巴巴有一套具体、明确的人才观;第二,在阿里巴巴的人才招聘战略里,诚信和职业道德一直居于首位;第三,阿里巴巴注重员工培训,坚守 “员工第一”的文化信条,;第四阿里巴巴的激励对象是全体员工,使得每一个员工和公司紧紧绑在一起,强调“我的就是你的,你的就是我的”,激励方式也不仅 仅局限在薪资激励,阿里巴巴还提供了理想激励和股权激励来调动员工的积极性;第五,对于员工管理,阿里巴巴尊重、关心员工,保障员工的归属感,注重给员工 提供一个良好的成长环境,能让他们心甘情愿的留在阿里巴巴。

From the perspective of the organization: Ma Yun is the leader of Alibaba with wisdom and personal charm, he stressed that leadership is the sense of responsibility. He believes that the success of Alibaba is relied on a large number of excellent staff and his team work. Ma Yun has special business logic in team organization, his leadership and management style cannot copied by others. The managers and employees of Alibaba is unique with enterprise culture inheritance and innovation, steadfastly stick to be responsibility to people.

从组织的角度分析:马云是管理智慧与个人魅力兼具一身的领导者,他强调领导力是责任心。他认为阿里巴巴的成功是靠一大批优秀员工和他的团队拼搏而来 的。马云有深层的商业逻辑,在团队组织中,马云所展现的领导力和管理风格是不可复制的,上至管理人员,下至员工都在认真传承和创新独特的阿里巴巴企业文 化,踏踏实实坚守阿里巴巴人的职责。

The analysis from the perspective of groups: In the aspect of team building, there are two most famous concepts of Alibaba: 271 sales team (i.e. a 20% of the sales team star sales elite, 70% of sales with usual level and 10% also enough sales staff) and 12321 rules ( a leader, two elite, three middle, two cultivation, a flexible). For team management, Alibaba has a unique system of performance appraisal. For management personnel, the company's performs the results and values of them quarterly, for the staff appraisal is implemented in the performance of the team performance and values, and then with a pay rise, stock options, bonuses, training opportunities, try to reward employees in the form of new job opportunities. Because such a group of Alibaba, it can bear keen competition well on the Internet.

从群体的角度分析:阿里巴巴在团队建设方面有两个最为有名的理念:271销售团队(即一个销售团队中20%明星销售精英,70%的中流水平销售人员以及 10%的也够销售人员)和12321法则(即一个领头人,两个精英,三个中流,两个培养,一个机动)。对于团队管理,阿里巴巴有独具特色的绩效考核制度。 对于管理人员,公司按季度进行业绩和价值观评分,对于团队中的员工考核则是落实在业绩表现和价值观表现,之后会以加薪,股票期权,奖金,培训机会、新的工 作机会的形式对员工加以奖励。正是有这样一群阿里巴巴人,才能使阿里巴巴在互联网激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。

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