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China’s AliPay might partner with Apple Pay

Apple Pay 或将与支付宝达成合作.jpg

Jack Ma and Tim Cook both repeatedly teased a possible partnership between The Paypal-like AliPay and Apple Pay in two separate talks while on stage at the Wall Street Journal Digital conference in Laguna Beach, California this evening.


Cook joked that he was going to go discuss a marriage between AliPay and Apple Pay after his talk. He said of Ma, “If we can find some areas of common space, I love it. I love partnering with people like that.” Ma had hinted earlier that he was, “very interested in something like that,” when referring to a possible partnership with Apple’s newly unveiled mobile payment system.

库克打趣道他将在采访后考虑Apple Pay和支付宝的“联姻”可能。谈到马云时,库克说:“如果我们有业务上的交集,我非常愿意进行合作,和这样的人做商业伙伴会非常愉快。”而马云则在另一场合表示:“我对 Apple Pay 非常感兴趣”。

Ma holds the majority stake in AliPay, which handled over $200 billion in payments worldwide this last year. Compare that to PayPal, which processed $180 billion in 2013. While Paypal dominates in the online payment space in the U.S., AliPay is the strongest contender in China. About 800 million customers use the payment service, accounting for 70% of China’s online transactions.

马云是支付宝的最大股东,支付宝去年一年在全球范围处理了超过 2000 亿美元的支付,超过了贝宝同期的 1800 亿美元。在网上支付领域,贝宝的最大市场是美国本土,而支付宝则占据了中国市场的主导,用户数将近 8 亿,全中国在线交易的 70%都是经支付宝发生的。

Apple Pay activated over 1 million credit cards within the first 72 hours of going live with the service, making it a strong contender in the digital payment space. AliPay dominates in online payments for a good chunk of the rest of the world and, as Ma pointed out on stage, “Alipay is now the third largest payment system in the world, behind Visa and Mastercard.”

此前库克透露,Apple Pay 上线 72 小时的激活量为 100 万 ,上线一周的规模已经比其他所有移动支付加起来还要大。而支付宝则是中国在线支付的主导,如马云所说:“支付宝现在是世界上第三大支付系统,仅次于 Visa 和万事达”。

Cook ended his talk by saying he and Ma would probably talk sometime this week about maybe getting together.


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