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Top 10 American habits incomprehensible to Chinese


Some Chinese habits are strange enough to Americans but conversely, some American habits are equally incomprehensible to Chinese people.


10. Pet culture

10. 猫狗文化——爱宠物比爱人多

Americans are famous worldwide for loving their pets more than they love people. Some have explained that this is because there are more dogs than people in the United States. Although this is an exaggeration, the saying is not completely nonsense. The costs of raising pets like dogs — including providing for their daily well-being and even medical care — may be high, but Americans are just willing to spend that money.

美国人爱养宠物似乎已是“名闻世界,誉满全球”了。有人说,在中国人比狗多,在美国狗比人多,虽然有些夸张,但是不无道理。电视里每天都播放如何养育动物的专题节目,指导人们怎样养育这些小动物;美国人几乎家家养狗样猫,他们会让猫狗进卧室,上床一起睡觉,一日三餐,好肉伺候。养狗的成本有时很高,日常吃喝美容和看病开销都是很可观的,但是这个钱美国人愿意花。不少城市每年都会举办“dog show”,小狗可以走秀时装表演。沃尔玛超市里的猫狗玩具、猫狗服装、猫狗食品、用品都是重要的商品之一。由宠物引发的经济增长点在日常消费中占很大比重。

9.Taking showers in the morning

9. 早上洗澡

Americans differ from Chinese people in that many Americans take showers in the morning. Some Americans explain that showering in the evening is unnecessary if one works in an air-conditioned place. Those who have outdoor jobs also need to take evening showers.


8. Wearing pants lower than underwear

8. 外裤穿得比内裤低

There is an actual saying used to describe this "baggy pants" style. It started in some African-American communities before a variety of other social groups adopted the trend. It is already part of American street culture throughout the country, and even celebrities like Justin Bieber can be seen sporting such pants.

这种穿法还有一个专用名词,叫baggy pants,是一种在美国黑人社区首先流行起来的裤子,几乎所有的嘻哈明星都穿过这样的裤子招摇过市,贾斯汀•比伯更是对这种裤子喜爱有加。嘻哈风潮兴起以后,黑人说唱歌手带起了穿baggy pants的潮流,而很多白人们并不知道这个裤子的起源,也跟风穿了起来,现在已经成为美国街头文化的一部分了。

7. Tipping, even when you are already paying for a service

7. 给服务员小费,哪怕你买的就是服务

Tipping is a normal phenomenon in the United States. One gives tips when eating in a restaurant, taking a taxi or having a bellboy carry your luggage to your room. Tipping is usually 15 percent of the amount you spend on your entire bill, but it differs according to the quality of the restaurant or cab ride. Refusing to tip is impolite and will make you an unwelcome guest.


6. Tap water safe, but not the warm water

6. 水龙头里的自来水可以直接喝,但热水不可以

In the United States., tap water is nominally safe to drinking straight from the faucet. Although some people may not like to drink tap water because of its slightly strange flavor, it is indeed safe for drinking. However, one has to remember that hot tap water from the faucet may not always be safe for drinking, because it comes from a different water source and the quality of hot water is often far lower than that of cold water.


5. Wearing light clothing in winter

5. 冬天照样穿短袖

Americans tend to dress more casually than Chinese people. Many young people wear short-sleeve T-shirts in the winter, although they might put on an overcoat and long jeans when it becomes extremely cold. This is primarily because there is central heating everywhere — inside buildings and in subway and bus stations. Hence, it is normal to see corporate women dressed in professional shirts and skirts under a thin overcoat in New York streets in early winter.


4. Wearing UGG boots in summer

4. 夏天也穿UGG?

Many Chinese viewers of "The Big Bang Theory" (which is popular in China) must have noticed that Penny, one of the TV show's main characters, often wears T-shirts and shorts with a pair of snow boots. In fact, many Americans wear these fluffy boots in summer.


3. Hitting the hay with shoes on

3. 不脱鞋就上床

Americans tend to think of bed sheets and sofas as expendable domestic items meant to be replaced sooner or later. Therefore, a lot of Americans see no reason to inconvenience themselves just for the sake of keeping things clean. Moreover, the United States is a relatively clean country, where there is less dust and dirt on the roads and in public places, meaning that shoe soles tend not to get very dirty.


2. Eating hamburgers while drinking diet beverages

2. 一边吃汉堡一边喝减肥饮料

For Americans, eating a hamburger while drinking a soda is as normal as the combination of soy milk and fried dough twists in China. Although tasty and convenient, the combination has a high calorie count. Amid growing obesity problems, many Americans have developed a habit of drinking reduced-sugar beverages referred to as "diet sodas," which contain 99 percent less of the calories in regular sodas. Hamburgers and french fries already contain a huge amount of calories, so what is the point of only drinking diet soda?

对美国人来说,汉堡配可乐就跟豆浆配油条一样天经地义。这个搭配虽然美味方便,但热量很高!后来街上的胖子越来越多,美国人就发明了一个低糖饮料:Diet Coke(健怡可乐),热量比一般的可乐减少99%。但是说实话,汉堡薯条的热量那么高,光喝个Diet Coke有什么用呢?

1. Drinking cold water throughout the year

1. 一年四季喝冰水,胃痛胃酸要吃冰的

Americans tend to drink only icy cold water all year round. On their water coolers, there are only two options: hot water, which is merely used to make instant coffee or tea, and cold water, which is for direct consumption. Americans do not really understand why people might drink warm water. Likewise, there are no exceptional circumstances where people are advised not to drink cold water. For instance, whereas most Chinese people think that women who are menstruating or who have recently given birth should drink only hot water to stay healthy, American women have no qualms about drinking ice water or eating ice cream at those times.


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