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China’s anti-SARS measures could help anti-Ebola

美媒:抗击埃博拉 中国抗SARS经验或有助.jpg

Recently, an analysis from American Bloomberg News disclosed that China’s being the largest trading partner of Africa increases its chance of incurring Ebola virus. But drawing from the experience of 2003 when SARS broke out, China may have some edges when Ebola hits.


The SARS has claimed hundreds of casualties in China and China’s public health system has strengthened since then. Associate professor of epidemic and infectious diseases of Hong Kong University Public Health Institute, Ben Collin said:”in the past decade, they (China) have established powerful response abilities towards circumstances like the break out of SARS, in order to protect public health and the ensuing economic and social issues.”


As the invasion of Ebola into America and Europe, China has equipped designated hospitals with facilities, sterilant and protective equipments and provide detailed guide to medical staff.


Over a hundred of flights come directly from Africa every month in Guangdong, tens of thousands of the passengers under examining. Recent two months up to Oct. 21th, 8672 passengers from Ebola epidemic areas are being tracked.


Henk Beckzaaiman, ex-representative in China of World Health Organization said that China has become one of the closest partners of WHO.


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