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The Most Popular Chinese Snacks by young people —spicy gluten|年轻人最受欢迎的中国零食—辣条

là tiáo , yòu chēng sù miàn jīn , shì zhōng guó zuì cháng jiàn de yī zhǒng líng shí , yīn kǒu gǎn jìn dào 、 xiāng là ér bèi dà zhòng  。


Spicy gluten, also known as vegetarian gluten, is the most common snack in China and is loved by the public because of its strong taste and spicy taste.

qí zhōng , zuì bào huǒ de yī kuǎn jiù shì wèi lóng là tiáo , kǒu gǎn piān tián là , bèi zhòng duō wài guó rén suǒ jiē shòu hé xǐ ài


Among them, the most popular one is Weilong spicy gluten, which tastes sweet and hot, and is accepted and loved by many young people around the world.

là tiáo , qǐ yuán yú hú nán píng jiāng , jīng guò bù duàn dì fā zhǎn hé chuàng xīn , xiàn zài là tiáo yǐ jīng xiǎng yù zhōng wài , wèi shì jiè gè dì de rén men suǒ xǐ ài , yě shì zhōng guó rén niàn niàn bù wàng de líng shí


Spicy gluten, originated in Pingjiang, Hunan. After continuous development and innovation, spicy gluten has now enjoyed a reputation at home and abroad, loved by people around the world, and is also a snack that Chinese people will never forget.

Key words

辣条  là tiáo  spicy gluten

零食  líng shí  snacks

喜爱  xǐ ài   love

口感  kǒu gǎn  Taste

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