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Chinese Character Enthusiasts from the United States|来自美国的“汉字叔叔”

A few months ago, a 70-year old grandpa from the US had heart surgery in  China. He said it’s only one-tenth of the costs in the US. After the operation, he received many Chinese netizens’ concern and good wishes. Why has he received so much attention?


Because he had a deep affinity with Chinese characters and is known as Uncle Hanzi(Chinese Character).



Nowadays, more and more foreigners are learning Chinese, and they find Chinese characters is the most difficult part. While Richard Sears came to China across the ocean and spent nearly 30 years learning Chinese and studying the culture of Chinese characters, and found a related website called Chinese Etymology.


The website he created(他创建的网站):https://hanziyuan.net/

More recently, he has been working with a company to develop character CARDS to animate the evolution of Chinese characters.



His experiences


Richard was born in 1950 in a small town in the western STATE of Oregon.


Richard’s family with him


In 1972, he, at the age of 22, bought a one-way ticket to Taiwan and began learning Chinese.


“I didn’t fall in love with Chinese characters then,” he recalls. “I really wanted to learn Chinese, because one in five people in the world spoke Chinese. I hope I can learn Chinese and know more about the world.



In 1990, he began to study the origin of Chinese characters and began to practice the digital Shuo Wen Jie Zi.1990年,他开始研究汉字字源,并着手实践着数字化《说文解字》

In 1994, he suffered a heart attack, underwent four surgeries, and spent his fortune accumulating more than 6,500 primitive forms and logic of Chinese characters from ancient Chinese books and archaeological data.


In 2002, the “Chinese Characters Resource Network”, which he founded, was quietly launched.


In 2011, Richard, in his 60s, and his website were accidentally discovered by Chinese netizens and sparked a heated discussion on Weibo, after that people began to call him “Uncle Hanzi“.2011年,年逾花甲的理查德和他的网站偶然被中国网友发现,并引发了微博热议,此后人们开始称呼他为“汉字叔叔”。

In 2012, he joined Beijing Normal University as a contemporary teacher to gain a chance to stay in China.


In 2017, he was invited to appear on TV show The Reader  and The first class of the new semester.


In 2019, he participated in China (Anyang) International Chinese Character Conference.

He is also often involved in public welfare campaigns to popularize Chinese characters.


After years of study on Chinese characters, Uncle Hanzi is so familiar with the characters that he often draws them off the top of his head. He believes what he has done can help foreigners better understand Chinese characters.

汉字叔叔对这些汉字熟悉到信手拈来,他在讲解中常常会将古汉字不假思索地画出来。他认为自己所做的一切, 能够帮助外国人更好地理解汉字。

He said:”Chinese people rarely think about where characters come from. Chinese is their mother tongue, they can remember and learn it easily, but for foreigners, it is very difficult to use this method. Why should we memorize 5000 complicated symbols? Why is the stroke of a Chinese character like this? I want to tell you the history of Chinese characters, so that they can understand how Chinese characters came from, so that Chinese characters are no longer complex symbols, but small stories one by one.


To be sure, it’s still a long way to go for his further research, but his humanistic sensibility always gives us spiritual strength.


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