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Replies Making you laugh to cry || 脸都笑裂的中外神回复,哈哈哈…

01qǐnɡ ɡěi chū yí jù hěn yǒu nèi hán de shī jù请给出一句很有内涵的诗句Please name a thought-provoking sentence from a poem
yì lǎn zhònɡ shān xiǎo 一懒众衫小Once lazy, all your clothes get smaller



wèi shén me nǐ zhǎnɡ dòu dou ?为什么你长痘痘?Why do you have pimples?
yīn wèi wǒ kě ài de mào pào  因为我可爱得冒泡Because I’m just bubble-bubbly cute 


dǎ léi de shí hou ɡuān chuānɡ hu yǒu yònɡ mɑ?打雷的时候关窗户有用吗?Does it work to close the window when it’s thundering outside ?
méi yònɡ de,wǒ shì ɡuò leɡuān le chuānɡ léi yí yànɡ zài dǎ没用的,我试过了关了窗雷一样在打No, it won’t. I’ve tried.

It was still thundering outside after I closed the window.



iǎnɡ yǎnɡ yì zhī yīnɡ wǔjiāo tā shuō yì xiē shén me huà hǎo?想养一只鹦鹉教它说一些什么话好?I wanna keep a parrot as pet. What would be cool to teach it to say ?

jiù mìnɡ,wǒ bèi biàn chénɡ yīnɡ wǔ le!救命,我被变成鹦鹉了!Help!They’ve turned me into a parrot ! 


dāi ménɡ hé nǎo cán de jiè xiàn shì?呆萌和脑残的界限是?What is the boundry between ‘clumsy’ and ‘stupid’?
hé the “and” 


nán shēnɡ shuō shén me huànǚ shēnɡ huì jué de hěn dà qì?男生说什么话女生会觉得很大气?What would be manly for a man to say in front of a girl?

  mǎi I’ll pay.07

nǐ zěn me yí ɡè rén ɡuànɡ jiē ā?你怎么一个人逛街啊?Why are you shopping all by yourself?
bàn ɡè rén ɡuànɡ jiē wǒ pà xià zhao nǐ 半个人逛街我怕吓着你I fear it would scare you to death if I were shopping all by no one.08

běi mínɡ yǒu yú,qí mínɡ wéi kūn北冥有鱼,其名为鲲Once in the northern sea, there was a fish and people called it Kun.
zhònɡ rén shí zhī,wán众人食之,完And people ate it.The end. 


mā,wǒ nénɡ kàn diàn shì mɑ ?妈,我能看电视吗?Mom, can I watch the television?
dānɡ rán ké yǐ a,zhǐ yào bù dǎ kāi jiù xínɡ当然可以啊,只要不打开就行Of course you can, as long as it’s turned off.10

děnɡ wǒ shòu le jiù huí lái zhǎo nǐ等我瘦了就回来找你I’ll come back for you when I get slim.
rú ɡuǒ nǐ bù xiǎnɡ jiàn wǒ,qí shí ké yǐ zhí shuō如果你不想见我,其实可以直说You can level with me if you don’t want to see me.11

cān ɡuān yí ɡè shì jiè qí ɡuān shínǐ zuì xiǎnɡ liáo jiě nǎ xiē xìn xī ?参观一个世界奇观时    你最想了解哪些信息?What do you want to know the most when you visit a World Wonder?

zhè fù jìn yǒu shén me hǎo chī de mɑ ?这附近有什么好吃的吗?What can I find to eat around there? 


wǒ yào rú hé cái nénɡ xiǎn de hěn ɡāo lěnɡ ?我要如何才能显得很高冷?How can I look high-end and cool?
bān qù xǐ mǎ lā yǎ搬去喜马拉雅Move to the Himalayas.13

wèi shén me yǒu de nán shēnɡ zhuī nǚ shēnɡ zhuī dào yí bàn bù zhuī le?为什么有的男生追女生追到一半不追了?Why do some boys give up half-way pursuing a girl?
nǐ dào shì ɡěi ɡè jìn dù tiáo ā你倒是给个进度条啊Why don’t you display a progress bar? 


wèi shén me xiù ēn ài tōnɡ chánɡ xuǎn zé zài zhōnɡ wǔ?为什么秀恩爱通常选择在中午?Why do people always show off their relationships at noon?
yīn wèi záo wǎn huì yǒu bào yìnɡ因为早晚会有报应Because sooner or later karma will come to them15

yào shì zài ɡǔ dàijiě de yán zhí nénɡ chēnɡ qǐ zhěnɡ ɡè qīnɡ lóu要是在古代姐的颜值能撑起整个青楼Back in the ancient times, a face like mine can hold a whole brothel.

nǐ shì shuō nǐ zhǎnɡ de xiànɡ zhù zi mɑ?你是说你长得像柱子吗?You mean you look like a pillar ?

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