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Chinese Wedding Customs | 中式婚礼习俗

There are too many things need to be prepared for a traditional Chinese wedding, including the traditional wedding dress and robe, wedding room, bride’s sedan and so on.举办一场传统的中国婚礼要置办的东西可太多啦!包括传统的结婚礼服、婚房、花轿等。jǔ bàn yì chǎng chuán tǒng de zhōng guó hūn lǐ yào zhì bàn de dōng xi kě tài duō lā ! bāo kuò chuán tǒng de jié hūn lǐ fú 、 hūn fáng 、 huā jiào děng 。

 Wedding Dress and Robe


 Wedding Room


Bride’s Sedan

On the wedding day, 5 necessary procedures are usually involved.而在婚礼当天,通常有5个必要环节。ér zài hūn lǐ dàng tiān , tōng cháng yǒu 5 gè bì yào huán jié 。

Meeting the Bride

The groom will go to the bride’s home to escort her to the wedding place (they are not permitted to see each other in the night before the wedding day.)新郎回到新娘家里去,把新娘接到婚礼的举办地(新郎和新娘不被允许在婚礼前夜见面)。xīn láng huí dào xīn niáng jiā lǐ qù , bǎ xīn niáng jiē dào hūn lǐ de jǔ bàn dì ( xīn láng hé xīn niáng bú bèi yún xǔ zài hūn lǐ qián yè jiàn miàn ) 。

Wedding Rite


The groom and the bride need to bow three times. Firstly, bow to the heaven and the earth. Secondly, bow to their parents. Finally, bow to each other. When the “three bows” rite is finished, they would be recognized as a new couple.新郎和新娘需要拜三拜。第一拜是拜天地,第二拜是拜父母,第三拜是拜彼此。一旦“三拜”仪式结束,他们就会被称为一对新婚夫妇了。xīn láng hé xīn niáng xū yào bài sān bài 。 dì yí bài shì bài tiān dì , dì èr bài shì bài fù mǔ , dì sān bài shì bài bí cǐ 。 yí dàn “ sān bài ” yí shì jié shù , tā men jiù huì bèi chēng wéi yí duì xīn hūn fū fù le 。


Serving Tea to Parents


The new couple should serve tea to their parents to show their gratitude for them.新婚夫妇要给父母敬茶,感谢他们的养育之恩。xīn hūn fū fù yào gěi fù mǔ jìng chá , gǎn xiè tā men de yǎng yù zhī ēn 。


Wedding Banquet


A grand banquet will be held to celebrate their marriage.他们将会举办一场盛大的宴会来庆祝他们的新婚。tā men jiāng huì jǔ bàn yì chǎng shèng dà de yàn huì lái qìng zhù tā men de xīn hūn 。
After the banquet, the groom and the bride will go back to their wedding room.宴会结束后,新郎新娘会回到自己的婚房。yàn huì jié shù hòu , xīn láng xīn niáng huì huí dào zì jǐ de hūn fáng 。

Unveiling the Veil



The groom will unveil the veil for his bride. But now, in many Chinese weddings, brides choose not to wear a veil or a wear a translucent veil.新郎会为他的新娘揭开盖头。不过现在在很多中式婚礼中,很多新娘选择不戴盖头或者戴半透明的盖头。xīn láng huì wéi tā de xīn niáng jiē kāi gài tóu 。 bú guò xiàn zài zài hěn duō zhōng shì hūn lǐ zhōng , hěn duō xīn niáng xuǎn zé bú dài gài tóu huò zhě dài bàn tòu míng de gài tóu 。
Out of the respect to women, in the modern weddings the custom of unveiling the veil is merely of symbolic meaning. This procedure usually would be done before the wedding ceremony so that the bride can show her beauty in the wedding. 注意出于对女性的尊重,现代婚礼中的揭盖头习俗只起到一种象征性的意义。这一环节会在仪式前完成,这样人们新娘才能够展示她的美丽。zhù yìchū yú duì nǚ xìng de zūn zhòng , xiàn dài hūn lǐ zhōng dì jiē gài tóu xí sú zhǐ qǐ dào yì zhǒng xiàng zhēng xìng de yì yì 。 zhè yì huán jié huì zài yí shì qián wán chéng , zhè yàng rén men xīn niáng cái néng gòu zhǎn shì tā de měi lì 。 


Drinking Wedlock Wine


Finally, the new couple will drink some wine, in a special manner called “wedlock”. The blessing manner symbolizes “never be separated”.最后,新婚夫妇会象征性地以“交杯礼”喝一些酒。这一祝福性的礼仪象征着”永不分离”zuì hòu,xīn hūn fū fù huì xiàng zhēng xìng de yǐ “ jiāo bēi lǐ ” hē yì xiē jiǔ 。 zhè yí zhù fú xìng de lǐ yí xiàng zhēng zhe ” yǒng bù fēn lí ”
Key Words
婚礼(wedding)hūn lǐ新郎(groom)xīn láng 新娘(bride)xīn niáng 父母(parents)fù mǔ茶(tea)chá



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