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Chinese one-child policy: from one to two

At the end of the 1970s, in order to reined in the surging population,  China implemented the one-child policy to balanced population development. However, as time goes by, the disadvantages of this policy were discovered gradually. Therefore the government announced that one-child policy will be relaxed, Chinese couples with one being an only child would be permitted to have two children if they choose. The policy came up in 2013, but still can not prevented the process of aging population. However, with the population aging problem is getting worse, this policy is to reform again and it is the policy what we are seeing now.


photo from Baidu.com


Unfortunately, the 90s became the last generation of the one-child policy, but it can become a chance to the loss of only child family.

Many families with only one child, after lost their children in the accident, not only means losing their loved ones, but also means that no one can support them after they are old. And in China each year the number of new “lost family” reach to  76,000. These families can no longer feel the warmth from the family, they will become afraid of festivals, getting old and sick. And this policy is likely to be their chance.


On the one hand, this policy will get benefits more than disadvantages as a whole. Not only good for senior citizens to provide for the aged but also beneficial to increase the social labor. The two-children policy can guarantee the balance of Chinese population and enhance the stable development of economy. On the other hand, however, the family planning tend to be deeply ingrained, many people have changed their conception about giving birth, the now policy may have little influence on total population.


In conclusion, one-child policy is out of the date. The two-children policy is the key t solve the problem of nowadays and the future.


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