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Random Word Trivia Quiz

See how many of these random words you can guess the English and Chinese for!

1. You choose not to attend class. (verb)

2. You are a student who is always sucking up to the teacher. (noun)

3. You did something wrong. The teacher puts you in… (noun)

4. Your parents found out. They punish you. (verb)

5. In your high school you buy food at the… (noun)

6. You copy your friend’s assignment and hand it in, claiming it is your work. (verb/noun)

7. This school teaches both boys and girls. (noun)

8. When you’re sick at school you see a nurse in the… (noun)

9. The person – not a teacher – who provides spiritual/religious guidance at your high school. (noun)

10. You get A after A after A. You are a… (noun)

11. The head of the school or faculty at uni. (noun)

12. The leading student or leader of the class. (noun)

13. At uni, you decide to put off studying your degree for one year. (verb)

14. You take an exam without preparing for it. (verb)

15. You sit an exam for someone else. (verb)

16. A specialised school that trains students to commonly to pass the entrance examinations of high schools or universities. (noun)

17. You memorise lots of information in preparation for your exam. (verb)

18. An exam you take to get into university. (noun)

19. You pretend to be sick to get out of going to school or work. (verb)

20. You can’t read or write. (adjective)




1. You choose not to attend class. (verb) English: skip class; wag (Aussie slang); play truant (formal). Chinese: 逃课 táokè.

2. You are a student who is always sucking up to the teacher. (noun) English: teacher’s pet. Chinese: 马屁精 mǎpìjīng.

3. You did something wrong. The teacher puts you in… (noun) English: detention. Chinese: 留校 liúxiào; 留堂 liútáng.

4. Your parents found out. They punish you. (verb) English: ground; to impose a curfew. Chinese: 禁足 jìnzú.

5. In your high school you buy food at the… (noun) English: canteen; cafeteria (US); tuckshop (Aussie slang). Chinese: 食堂 shítáng.

6. You copy your friend’s assignment and hand it in, claiming it is your work. (verb/noun) English: plagiarise; plagiarism. Chinese: 抄袭 chāoxí.

7. This school teaches both boys and girls. (noun) English: co-educational school/co-ed. Chinese: 男女同校 nánnǚ tóngxiào.

8. When you’re sick at school you see a nurse in the… (noun) English: sick bay. Chinese: 医务室 yīwùshì.

9. The person – not a teacher – who provides spiritual/religious guidance at your high school. (noun) English: chaplain. Chinese: 牧师 mùshī.

10. You get A after A after A. You are a… (noun) English: straight-A student; dux. Chinese: 尖子生 jiānzishēng.

11. The head of the school or faculty at uni. (noun) English: dean. Chinese: 院长 yuànzhǎng.

12. The leading student or leader of the class. (noun). English: class monitor; prefect (UK; private schools in Australia); Chinese: 班长 bānzhǎng.

13. At uni, you decide to put off studying your degree for one year. (verb). English: defer; Chinese: 推迟入学 tuīchí rùxué.

14. You take an exam without preparing for it. (verb) English: No exact English word exists! You could say “I guess I’ll just wing it” (slang); Chinese: 裸考 luǒkǎo.

15. You sit an exam for someone else. (verb) English: No exact English word exists! Chinese: 枪手 qiāngshǒu. (refers to the person who takes the exam for someone else)

16. A specialised school that trains students to commonly to pass the entrance examinations of high schools or universities. (noun) English: cram school. Chinese: 补习班 bǔxíbān.

17. You memorise lots of information in preparation for your exam. (verb) English: to cram; to learn by rote; Chinese: 死记 sǐjì.

18. An exam you take to get into university. (noun) English: College entrance exam. Chinese: 高考 gāokǎo.

19. You pretend to be sick to get out of going to school or work. English: to chuck a sickie (Aussie slang). Chinese: 装病 zhuāngbìng.

20. You can’t read or write. (adjective) English: illiterate; Chinese: 文盲 wénmáng.

Source: http://carlgene.com/blog

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