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What’s 鸿门宴 (hóng mén yàn)?

"鸿门宴" (hóng mén yàn) refers to a feast happened in Hongmen, Xianyang, which was the capital of Qin Dynasty in B.C.206. The anti-Qin generals Xiang Yu and Liu Bang both attended the feast. The so called "banquet" was in fact a trap set by Xiang Yu to kill Liu Bang. Later generations use "鸿门宴" to indicate a feast or meeting set as a trap for the invited or something ill-disposed.



1. Nǐ bú yào qù cān jiā tā de yàn huì, zhè jiù shì yì chǎng hóng mén yàn, tā kěn dìng méi duì nǐ ān shén me hǎo xīn.


Don't go to attend his banquet. It is a Hongmen banquet that he must have ill-intentioned plans on you.

2. Tā zhè shì gěi nǐ shè le gè hóng mén yàn, děng zhe nǐ tiào jìn tā de quān tào ne!


He has prepared a Hongmen banquet to lead you into his trap.

Source: hjenglish

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