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How to express refusal with “闭门羹” (bì mén gēng)

"闭门羹" (bì mén gēng) refers to the situation where the host refuses to allow the guest in. For the guest, he encounters "闭门羹" – a cold-shoulder treatment or the frozen mitten. 


It said that in the Tang Dynasty, Shi Feng, a beautiful courtesan proficient in lyre-playing, chess, calligraphy and painting, was so attractive that many young men wanted to visit her and make friends with her. However, few made it, because there's an unwritten rule – Shi Feng would ask the visitor to write a poem for her, and only the touching poem was likely to be preferred, and the visitor who wrote the poem can see her and become one of her friends. If the visitor failed to write a poem, or his poem wasn't that satisfying or interesting, Shi Feng would ask her family to treat him with a bowl of soup, as a way to refuse the visitor. Seeing the soup, the visitor would leave tacitly. 


Later, people began to take Shi Feng's soup as a refusal to meet guests, calling it "闭门羹" (bì mén gēng). 



1. wǒ bù néng yào tā men chī bì mén gēng, yīn wèi zhè bù zhǐ shì wǒ de fáng jiān, wǒ bù néng bǎ tā jǐn suǒ.


I can't lock them out because it's not my room to lock.

2. Tuī xiāo rén yuán jīng cháng chī gù kè de bì mén gēng.


The salesmen often suffer refusal of entrance from the customers. 

The article is translated and editted by Chinlingo. Please indicate the source for any use, reproduction or transfer. 


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