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How to understand 吊胃口 (diào wèi kǒu)

吊胃口 (diào wèi kǒu) means "to whet one's appetite with delicious food". It's also used as a metaphor implying an act that makes someone curious about or interested in something, or desire something. So we can understand the word as English "tantalize" or "keep someone in suspense". 

“吊胃口”是用好吃的东西引起人的食欲,也比喻让人产生欲望、好奇或兴趣。我们可以理解为英文的“tantalize”或“keep someone in suspense”。


1. ní sī shuō: "jiē zhe shuō, bié diào wǒ men wèi kǒu le."


'Go on, don't leave us in suspense,' Dennis said.

2. mín zhǔ mèng xiǎng duì tā men lái shuō shì rú cǐ diào rén wèi kǒu, kě wàng bù kě jí.


The dreams of democracy that have so much tantalized them.

3. tā jué xīn bǎ tā zhèng zài shōu shí de nà tiáo dà yú jīng xīn pēng tiáo, zuò de měi wèi kě kǒu, diào rén wèi kǒu.


She determined to make a wonderful dish of the fish she was cleaning and to be especially careful to make it tasty and appetizing.

The article is translated and editted by Chinlingo. Please indicate the source for any use, reproduction or transfer. 


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