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Podcast│Come on, I’ll be always with you…

Qīn ài de pénɡ you,zhī dào nǐ dé liǎo yì yù zhènɡ,wǒ yě hěn nán ɡuò 。


My dear, I’m really sad to know that you are suffering depression.


Yì zhí yǐ lái,nǐ dōu duì bié rén hěn hǎo,zǒnɡ shì tì bié rén zhuó xiǎnɡ,suó yǐ zǒnɡ shì rèn wéi shì zì jǐ de cuò。Qí shí nǐ bìnɡ méi yǒu cuò,nǐ zhǐ shì tài shàn liánɡ le。


You have always been kind and considerate to others, but always assumed you yourself are wrong. In fact, you are not wrong at all, but just too kind.


Wànɡ le cónɡ shén me shí hou kāi shǐ,nǐ biàn dé bù xiǎnɡ jiàn rén,bù xiǎnɡ jiē diàn huà,bù xiǎnɡ yǔ rén jiāo tán,shèn zhì bù xiǎnɡ chū mén。Nǐ shuō yǔ nǐ zuò bàn de zhí yǒu yì tiáo hēi ɡǒu。Kě shì bié wànɡ le,nǐ hái yǒu wǒ men zhè xiē ài nǐ de pénɡ you men ne。


I cannot recall when you started to isolate yourself, no answering a phone, talking or leaving your house. You said only a black dog stayed with you. But I would remind you there are your friends who love you would be with you as well.


Rú ɡuǒ nǐ bù xiǎnɡ ɡēn bié rén shuō huà,shèn zhì bù xiǎnɡ ɡēn wǒ shuō huà,qǐnɡ rànɡ wǒ jìnɡ jìnɡ dì péi zhe nǐ。Rú ɡuǒ nǐ xiǎnɡ kū de huà,jiù kū chū lái bɑ,wǒ zhī dào méi yǒu shén me yán yǔ nénɡ ān wèi nǐ,dàn wǒ yónɡ yuǎn huì péi zài nǐ shēn biān,wǒ yónɡ yuǎn dū huì zhī chí nǐ、lí jiě nǐ。


If you don’t feel like talking even with me, please allow me to stay with you quietly. If you feel like crying, let the tears out. I know I have not words to comfort you, but I would be with you for ever, understanding and supporting you.                            


Qǐnɡ hé duō hé wǒ yì qǐ chū mén bɑ,wǒ men ké yǐ yì qǐ chū qu chī fàn、liáo tiān、shài tài yánɡ、sàn bù、ɡuànɡ jiē … … Nǐ kàn,hái yǒu hǎo duō shì qínɡ,wǒ zhènɡ děnɡ zhe nǐ péi wǒ yì qǐ zuò ne!


Please get out of home to have dinner, chat, enjoy sunshine, take a walk and go window shopping with us. Look, there are so many things for us to do together.


Wǒ hái ké yǐ péi nǐ yì qǐ cān jiā yì xiē xīn lǐ kè chénɡ,zhè yí dìnɡ huì duì nǐ hěn yǒu bānɡ zhù!


I would accompany you to attend some psychological courses, which would surely be helpful to you.


Dàn nǐ yí dìnɡ yào jì zhù yào chī yào,dàn nà qí shí bìnɡ bú shì yào,nà xiē shì nénɡ bānɡ zhù nǐ xīn qínɡ biàn hǎo de dōnɡ xi,suó yǐ bú yònɡ tài hài pà。


Remember to take your medicine. It is better to say it is something that would get you into better mood rather than medicine. So don’t be scared by it.


Qīn ài de pénɡ you,xī wànɡ nǐ nénɡ kuài diǎn hǎo qǐ lái,bǎi tuō nǐ xīn lǐ de nà zhǐ hēi ɡǒu,yōnɡ bào wǒ men zhēn shí de rén shēnɡ。


My dear friend, I hope you can get back to yourself as soon as possible, get rid of the black dog in you mind and embrace our real life.


Key words:

安慰 (ān wèi): comfort

摆脱 (bǎi tuō): get rid of


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