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Podcast│Where has time gone?

Nǐ men yǒu méi yǒu tīnɡ shuō ɡuò “shài ɡuānɡ yīn “ de  huó dònɡ ? Tīnɡ shuōJ,zhè shì wài ɡuó pénɡ you yònɡ yì xiē duì bǐ zhào lái biǎo dá duì shí jiān liú shì de ɡǎn tàn, rànɡ nǐ ɡènɡ jiā zhēn xī yì zhí péi bàn zài nǐ shēn biān de rén。Zhè tīnɡ zhe hái tǐnɡ yǒu yì si de,yì qǐ lái kàn kɑn zhè xiē yǒu qù de zhào piàn ba !

你们有没有听说过 “晒光阴”的活动?听说,这是外国朋友们用一些对比照来表达对时间流逝的感叹,让你更加珍惜一直陪伴在你身边的人。这听着还挺有意思的,一起来看看这些有趣的照片吧!

Have you ever heard about the ”Then and Now” event? It is an event where foreigners recreate their childhood photos to exclaim over elapse of time and call on more care about people that always keep your company. It sounds really interesting. Look at these funny photos below.


Zhè liǎnɡ nián ,Zhōnɡ ɡuó rén xǐ huɑn yònɡ  “shí jiān dōu qù nǎ ér le”  zhè jù huà lái biǎo dá duì shí jiān ɡuò dé fēi chánɡ kuài de ɡǎn tàn ,zhè shì yīn wèi zhōnɡ ɡuó ɡē shǒu wánɡ zhēnɡ liànɡ zài chūn jié wǎn huì shànɡ chànɡ le yì shǒu fēi chánɡ hǎo tīnɡ de ɡē — 《 Shí Jiān Dōu Qù Nǎ ér Le 》 。


In recent years, “时间都去哪儿了”(Where has time gone), which is the title of a melodious song sung by Wang Zhengliang on the Spring Festival Gala in 2014, has been used frequently by Chinese people to exclaim over elapse of time.


Hòu lái  , Zhōnɡ ɡuó rén jīnɡ chánɡ huì zhè yànɡ shuō :


Chinese people will often say it on the occasions as follows?


Měi dānɡ dào le xīnɡ qī wǔ,wǒ men jiù huì shuō:shí jiān ɡuò dé zhēn kuài , shí jiān dōu qù nǎ ér le yɑ !


Every Friday, they would say, “How time flies! Where has it gone?”


Guò nián ɡuò jié dà jiā zài jù huì de shí hou yě huì shuō : Zhè shí jiān dōu qù nǎ ér le,ɡǎn jué dà

jiā dōu biàn le hǎo duō 。


At a gathering in the Spring Festival holiday, they would say, “Where has time gone? It seems that all of us have changed a lot.”


Kàn dào bà bɑ mā mɑ biàn lǎo le jiù xiǎnɡ shuō : Shí jiān dōu qù nǎ ér le ! Tā men shén me shí hou dōu biàn lǎo le ?


At the sight of the aging parents, they would said to themselves, “Where has time gone? When did they turn old?”


Chú le ɡǎn tàn shí jiān de liú shì , zhè shǒu ɡē hái biǎo dá le hái zi duì fù mǔ màn màn biàn lǎo de bù shě,wǒ men yì qǐ lái xīn shǎnɡ xià nà yōu měi de ɡē cí bɑ !


Besides exclamation over elapse of time, this song also reflects the young persons’ reluctance to accept that their parents become older and older. Now, let’s read the beautiful lyrics together.

Shí jiān dōu qù nǎ ér le


Where has time gone?


Hái méi hǎo háo ɡǎn shòu nián qīnɡ jiù lǎo le


I have been aged while never enjoyed youth


Shēnɡ ér yǎnɡ nǚ yí bèi zi


raised children all my life


Mǎn nǎo zi dōu shì hái zi kū le xiào le


My mind is full of children crying and laughing


Shí jiān dōu qù nǎ ér le


Where has time gone


Hái méi hǎo hǎo kàn kɑn nǐ yǎn jinɡ jiù huā le


I have been giddy while never watched you carefully


Chái mǐ yóu yán bàn bèi zi


won our bread in half of a life


Zhuán yǎn jiù zhǐ shènɡ xià mǎn liǎn de zhòu wén le


in a wink, now I just have wrinkly face


Tīnɡ wán yǒu méi yǒu jué dé hěn ɡǎn dònɡ ne ?


Are you moved by it?


Wǒ men suī rán wú fǎ ɡǎi biàn shí ɡuānɡ liú shì,dàn wǒ men ké yǐ bǎ wò měi yí ɡè xiàn zài,zuò yì xiē yǒu yì yì de shì qínɡ。 Zhēn xī yǔ qīn rén hé pénɡ you zài yì qǐ de měi fēn měi miǎo,zhēn xī wǒ men yōnɡ yǒu de měi yì tiān 。


Although we cannot stop elapse of time, we can get hold of “now” and do something meaningful. Value every moment you share with your family and friends, and value everyday we live.


The article is translated and editted by Chinlingo. Please indicate the source (info.chinlingo.com) for any use, reproduction or transfer. 


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