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Chinlingo Podcast│Have you used Six God this summer?

Jīn tiān,wǒ yào lái ān lì yì kuǎn “ shén qì ”。


Today, I’d like to recommend you a “powerful tool”.


Jù shuō,zhè dōnɡ xi zhǐ yào pēn yí xià,jiù xū yào ɡài shànɡ dōnɡ tiān de mián ǎo,pēn duō le,ɡènɡ shì liánɡ shuǎnɡ dé xiànɡ dào le běi jí。


Exposed to a spray of this, you would feel like putting on your down jacket. If it is more than one spray, you would feel as if you are thrown to the Arctic.


wài ɡuó rén dì yí cì kàn dào tā shí,jī běn shànɡ dōu shì zhè zhǒnɡ fǎn yìnɡ:


At the first sight of it, foreigners will basically respond as follows:


“ Nénɡ hē mɑ ? ”


“Is it edible ?”


“ Kàn qǐ lái xiànɡ xiānɡ shuǐ 。 ”


“Looks like a kind of perfume.”


“ Pínɡ zi de xínɡ zhuànɡ kàn zhe xiànɡ jiǔ,hǎo xiànɡ xiānɡ bīn,hái yǒu qì pào ne。”


“The bottle looks like a wine bottle. It is exactly like champagne. There are bubbles.”


Shèn zhì hái yǒu yì xiē wài ɡuó pénɡ you rèn wéi yònɡ le huā lù shuǐ ké yǐ ɡēn shén mì lì liànɡ jiāo liú。


Some foreigners even believe that one will be empowered to communicate with the spirits after using the floral water.


Wén zhe jué dé hěn xiānɡ,nǐ jiù yǐ wéi tā shì xiānɡ shuǐ ,xiànɡ xiānɡ nài ér yí yànɡ。


As it smells really fragrant, you would surely believe it is a kind of perfume, just like Chanel.


Dàn wǒ zhǐ nénɡ ɡào su nǐ:bié shī wànɡ,dàn tā hé xiānɡ nài ér xiānɡ shuǐ wán quán bù yí yànɡ。


However, I .m afraid I’ll let you down, “It is totally different from Chanel perfume.”

Xí zǎo de shí hou ké yǐ yònɡ tā:bǎ liù shén pēn zài shēn shànɡ,zài chōnɡ xǐ ɡān jìnɡ,zhè yànɡ nǐ jiù zài yě bù xū yào kōnɡ tiáo hé fēnɡ shàn le。Xiǎnɡ chánɡ shì?Qiān wàn bú yào pēn duō o!Yīn wèi tài liánɡ shuǎnɡ le!


You can use it at bathing. Spray it on your body first, and flush it away with water. Then forget about the air conditioner or electric fan. Want a try? But never spray too much on yourself. It is far beyond cool!


Wén zi、xiǎo chónɡ zi tài duō yě ké yǐ yònɡ tā:bǎ liù shén pēn zài shēn shànɡ,nǐ jiù zài yě bú yònɡ pà huì bèi xiǎo chónɡ zi sāo rǎo le!Xiǎnɡ chánɡ shì?Bié pēn duō,yīn wèi wǒ bú què dìnɡ huì bu huì xī yǐn tài duō hú dié lái còu rè nɑo!


It can also be used to repel mosquitoes and bugs. Spray it on your body and it will protect you from the mosquitoes or bugs. Want a try? But never too much, as I’m not sure whether it would attract the large number of butterflies.


Shuō le nà me duō,qí shí,six god shì yí ɡè fēi chánɡ yǒu mínɡ de huā lù shuǐ pǐn pái!

说了那么多,其实,Six God是一个非常有名的花露水品牌!

So much said, Six God is in fact a very famous brand of floral water.


Huā lù shuǐ hé xiānɡ shuǐ lèi sì,dàn tā de zhǔ yāo ɡōnɡ xiào shì fánɡ chónɡ qū wén zhǐ yǎnɡ,pēn zài shēn shànɡ yǒu liánɡ liánɡ de ɡǎn jué,fēi chánɡ shòu zhōnɡ ɡuó rén huān yínɡ!


Floral water is quite similar to perfume, but its main function is to repel mosquitoes and bugs. Since one feels cool with a spray on the body, it is quite popular with Chinese people.


Huā lù shuǐ zài zhōnɡ ɡuó jī hū shì rén shǒu yì pínɡ,ér liù shén six god shì zuì yǒu mínɡ de huā lù shuǐ pǐn pái zhī yī。Tīnɡ shuō zuì jìn six god zhōnɡ yú chū le ɡuó,jìn rù le hǎi wài shì chǎnɡ,hái ɡǎi le mínɡ bú jiào six god,jiào florida water,zhè chénɡ ɡōnɡ yín qǐ le měi ɡuó rén mín de zhù yì ,shòu dào le měi ɡuó ɡù kè de zhuī pěnɡ。

花露水在中国几乎是人手一瓶,而六神Six God是最有名的花露水品牌之一。听说最近Six God终于出了国,进入了海外市场,还改了名不叫Six God,,叫Florida Water,这成功引起了美国人民的注意,受到了美国顾客的追捧。

In China, almost everyone would keep a bottle of floral water, and Six God is one of the most famous brands. Recently, it has been sold out of China, and has been renamed as Florida Water in the overseas market, which has aroused the attention of American people and become well favored by them.


Chèn zhe xià tiān hái méi jié shù,nǐ yào bu yào yě lái yì pínɡ six god?

趁着夏天还没结束,你要不要也来一瓶Six God?

Would you like a bottle of Six God as well before the end of summer? 



Key words:

花露水 (huā lù shuǐ): floral water

香水 (xiānɡ shuǐ): perfume  

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