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Chinlingo Podcast│Is it really funny to say the names of European countries in Chinese?

It is said by my foreign friends that the Chinese names of some countries sound funny and even weird. Is it true? Let’s listen to the Chinese names of some European countries today!


1. 英国  Yīng guó

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Dàn shì zài zhōnɡ wén lǐ , zhè ɡe ɡuó mínɡ de yīn yì lái yuán què shì England , zuì chū bèi yì wéi “ yīnɡ ɡé lán ” , hòu lái jiǎn chēnɡ wéi “ yīnɡ ɡuó ” 。


The original Chinese name was “英格兰”, a transliteration of “England”. Later, it has been abbreviated as “英国”.


2. 法国  Fǎ guó  

French Republic


Zuì chū , zài zhōnɡ wén lǐ , zhè ɡe ɡuó mínɡ bèi yì zuò “ fǎ lán xī ” , hòu lái jiǎn chēnɡ wéi “ fǎ ɡuó ” 。


It was called “法兰西” originally and has been abbreviated as “法国” later.


3. 德国  Dé guó  

Federal Republic of Germany


zhōnɡ wén lǐ , duì zhè ɡe ɡuó mínɡ de yīn yì lái yuán yú dé yǔ zhōnɡ dì “ Deutsch ” , shì zài zhù zài nà piàn tǔ dì shànɡ de rén men de tǒnɡ chēnɡ 。 zhè ɡe cí yīn yì chénɡ hàn yǔ shì “ dé yì zhì ” , hòu lái jiǎn chēnɡ wéi “ dé ɡuó ” 。


The original Chinese name was “德意志”, a transliteration of “Deutsch” meaning “Germans”. Later, it has been called “德国” for short.


4. 意大利  Yì dà lì  

Italian Republic


Italy , wǒ rèn wéi zhè shì zhōnɡ wén de yīn yì ɡuó mínɡ lǐ ɡēn yuán mínɡ fā yīn zuì xiànɡ de ɡuó mínɡ zhī yī 。


I believe it is one of the countries whose Chinese names share the most similar sound with its native names.


5.希腊  Xī là  

Hellenic Republic


Shuō yīnɡ wén shí , wǒ men chánɡ bǎ zhè ɡe ɡuó jiā chénɡ wéi Greece , dàn zhōnɡ wén lǐ zhè ɡe ɡuó mínɡ de yīn yì què shì lái zì xī là rén zì jǐ de fā yīn 。


This country is called “Greece” in English, but its Chinese name is a transliteration of its native name, Hellenic.


Do you think the Chinese names of these countries interesting? Which name do you find most interesting?


The article is translated and editted by Chinlingo. Please indicate the source for any use, reproduction or transfer. 


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