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Chinlingo Podcast: Would you like to dance with the emperor?

Zuì jìn,wǒ de wēi xìn péng you quān bèi “ Gù gōng biǎo qíng bāo ” zhàn lǐng le


Recently, my WeChat Moments has been flooded with the “Chinese Imperial Palace Memes”.


Gù gōng

故宫-Chinese Imperial Palace

biǎo qíng bāo


Gù gōngzài Běi jīngzhè céng jīng shì zhōng guó de huáng dì jū zhù de dì fāng


The Chinese Imperial Palace was the royal residence in the past.


Biǎo qínɡ bāo shì wǒ men shànɡ wǎnɡ liáo tiān shí huì yònɡ dào de yì zhǒnɡ yǒu qù de tú piàn shì pín huò shì yì xiǎo duàn wén zì Zhè xiē biǎo qínɡ bāo dōu tè bié ɡǎo xiào zài wǎnɡ mín zhī jiān liú chuán de hěn kuài tōnɡ chánɡ hái huì yǒu xiē wēi xiǎo de biàn huà


A meme is an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by Internet users, often with slight variations.


yé xǔnǐ cān guān guò “ Gù gōng ”


You may have visited the Chinese Imperial Palace.


yé xǔnǐ yòng guò “ biǎo qíng bāo ”


You may also have been using the memes.


Dàn shì nǐ zhī dào “ Gù gōng biǎo qíng bāo ” shì shén me ma


But, do you know what are the “Chinese Imperial Palace Memes”?


Gù gōng biǎo qíng bāo ”shì yì qún fēi cháng yǒu chuàng yì de shè jì shī menyòng Zhōng guó gǔ dài de huáng dìniáng niang men de xíng xiàng shè jì chū de biǎo qíng bāo


They are memes modeled after Chinese emperors and their wives by fairly creative designers.


Zhè xiē shēng dòng de biǎo qíng bāoràng yán sù de huáng dì sā jiāo mài méngràng duān zhuāng de niáng niang men wán qǐ le shǒu jī yóu xìshí zài nǎo dòng dà kāi


In these vivid memes, the majestic emperors are acting cute, while their demure wives are playing modern mobile games. What a magic!


Zhōng guó de huáng dì

中国的皇帝-Chinas emperor

niáng niang men

娘娘们-emperors wives


Key words故宫、皇帝、表情、设计

Key Words: the Chinese Imperial Palace; Emperor; memes; design


The comic Emperor Zhu Di is even rapping. Lets just watch his performance below!

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