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Chinlingo Podcast: Flood disaster

Jīn nián liù yuè, ōu zhōu lián xù duō tiān bào yǔ, ràng fǎ guó, dé guó de yí zuò zuò chéng shì bèi shuǐ yān mò, chū xiàn le yán zhòng de shuǐ zāi, dǎo zhì duō rén sǐ wáng.


Many days of raining in this June across Europe has made cities like France and Germany submerged in flood, and lots of people died because of the severe flood.


Jīn nián qī yuè, Zhōng guó ān huī, Hú běi děng duō gè shěng fèn, yě yīn wèi bào yǔ, zào chéng duō gè chéng shì bèi yān mò. Zhè cì shuǐ zāi dǎo zhì zhè jǐ gè shěng fèn yì bǎi duō rén sǐ wáng.


And this July, many provinces in China such as Anhui and Hubei also suffered from floods due to the storms. The flood disasters have caused over one hundred people's death.


Shuǐ zāi, shì yì zhǒng zì rán zāi hài, lián xù bào yǔ huì zào chéng hé shuǐ shàng zhǎng, fáng wū dǎo tā, chéng shì jī shuǐ děng xiàn xiàng. Zài chéng shì zhōng, cháng cháng dǎo zhì dào lù jī shuǐ, jiāo tōng zǔ sè, fáng wū bèi yān děng, zào chéng yán zhòng de jīng jì sǔn shī. 


Flood, a natural disaster, can led to the rise of rivers, house collapses and waterlogging with continuous heavy rain. Waterlogging, traffic jam or submerged houses in cities will cause great economic losses.


Rú guǒ nǐ bú xìng pèng dào le shuǐ zāi, yīng gāi jǐn liàng zhàn zài jiào gāo de dì fang, bìng dà shēng hǎn: "Wǒ zài zhè lǐ! Jiù mìng ā!"


If you unfortunately get stuck in the flood, just try to stand on the higher area and shout, "Here! Help!"

[Key Words]

水灾 (shuǐ zāi), flood

救命 (jiù mìng), help

淹没 (yān mò), submerge

The article is translated and editted by Chinlingo. Please indicate the source for any use, reproduction or transfer. 


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