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10 Chinese measure words easy to learn for beginners

What's the barrier that makes foreigners step back from learning Chinese, apart from the tones? It should be the massive amount of measure words used in the language. However, is it really troublesome to learn the measure words? Actually, we use tons of measure words in English, such as, a cup of tea, two pairs of pants, three groups of students, etc. 


The difference of measure words between Chinese and English is that only some nouns require a measure word in English, while every noun requires one in Chinese. For example, you can just say "three people" in English, while you should say "三个人" (sān gè rén) in Chinese, with a measure word "个" addedin the middle.  

不同的是,英文里只有一些名词须用量词,但是中文里每个名词都可以要加量词。例如,在英文里你只要说"three people",对应到中文里,就必须加个量词"个"来表达"三个人"。

In Chinese, different nouns require different measure words, and there are certain rules how they arrange togetherare matched. It takes time to make all of them out, but haste makes waste. Let's learn it step by step. Here are ten crucial Chinese measure words for beginners to start with. 


1. 个 (gè)

This is an all-encompassing measure word for a newbie. Though it should be used for people and/or non-specific items, you can basically use it for everything all the time. Here are a few examples:


sān gè lǎo wài


Three foreigners 

nà gè měi nǚ


That beautiful girl

shí gè xué shēng


Ten students 

2. 只 (zhī)

"只" is another frequently used measure word in Chinese. Different from "个", it is generally used for animals or things that come in pairs, like arms, hands, legs, or other body parts, except for people. Here's the usage of this common measure word:


zhè zhī gǒu


This dog 

liǎng zhī shǒu


Two hands

yì zhī xié zi


A shoe

3. 条 (tiáo)

If you just start learning Chinese language, you may be unfamiliar with this measure word. Never mind. It's so visualized that you can remember how to use it by connecting associating it with long, narrow, or skinny objects – fish, roads, pants, rivers, and so on. Try to comprehend this through these examples:


shí tiáo yú


Ten fish 

zhè tiáo hé


This river 

liǎng tiáo kù zi


Two pairs of pants 

4. 双 (shuāng)

With the connotation of "double", this Chinese measure word is used for geminate objects, which is equivalent to "pair" in English. Here are a few examples:

这个量词蕴含"双倍"之意,用于成对的物体,相当于英语里的 "pair". 示例如下:

yì shuāng kuài zi


A pair of chopsticks 

nà shuāng xié


That pair of shoes 

liǎng shuāng shǒu tào


Two pairs of gloves 

5. 辆 (liàng)

This is another visualized measure word that indicates the shape of the nouns it modifies. It is commonly used for vehicles with wheels, but not trains. Note that the measure word "列" is better than "辆" to describe a train. You can use it to talk about cars, bikes, and the like, though. Let's put it in action:


sān liàng zì xíng chē


Three bicycles 

wǔ liàng chē


Five cars 

zhè liàng diàn dòng chē


This electric bike 

6. 张 (zhāng)

When used as a verb, "张" refers to the action of stretching out or opening up. When it comes to 's used as a measure word, it is attached to flat objects – tables, paper, tickets, etc. This measure word is active in the occasions where you buy subway or train tickets. For examples: 


yì zhāng ruǎn wò piào


One soft sleeper ticket 

sān zhāng zhuō zi


Three tables 

7. 本 (běn)

While you use "张" for a single sheet of paper, you need another measure word to refer to things objects like books, magazines, or notebooks. That's where "本" comes in handy! Here are some examples:


zhè běn shū


This book 

yì běn zá zhì


One magazine 

8. 家 (jiā)

This is a very versatile Chinese character – it can mean "home" or "family," and it can also be used as a measure word. In this context, it is attached to gatherings of people, or establishments (shops, restaurants, etc.) Let's see how it's used:


zhè jiā gōng sī


This company

yì jiā jiǔ bā


A bar 

9. 瓶 (píng)/杯 (bēi)

These two measure words are very handy in a bar or restaurant as they are used for beverage or liquor. "瓶" means "bottle" in English, and "杯" means "glass". You can distinguish them through the following examples:

这两个量词用于饮料或酒精,在酒吧或饭店非常常用。 "瓶"对应英语里的"bottle",而"杯"则对应"glass"。可以通过下列例子来区分:

yì píng chéng zhī


A bottle of orange juice 

yì bēi hóng jiǔ


A glass of red wine

10. 件 (jiàn)

This measure word can be used in a few ways – generally with clothing, wearing, gifts, or matters/problems.


zhè jiàn chèn shān


This shirt 

yí jiàn shì


One thing/matter

Chinese measure words are not that difficult, right? Master these ten, and apply them in to your daily life, then you'll find a great progress you've made in the process of learning Chinese!


The article is translated and editted by Chinlingo. Please indicate the source for any use, reproduction or transfer. 


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