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Is 天天 equivalent to 每天?

"天天" (tiān tiān) and "每天" (měi tiān) are synonyms in Chinese. However, they differ from each other in meanings and functions sometimes.

"天天" and "每天" 是同义词。但有时它们所表达的意义和功能并不一样。

1. They are not quite the same in meanings:


"天天" only indicates "one day after another", or simply "daily". "每天" emphasizes "every", namely, any day whatsoever. 

"天天"只表示"逐一"的意思,是"一天+一天+一天……" 的意思;"每天"则重在"每天",即总体的天数中的任何一天。

For example: 

hǎo hǎo xué xí, tiān tiān xiàng shàng 


Study hard and make progress day by day.

hǎo hǎo xué xí, měi tiān xiàng shàng 


Study hard and make progress every day.

"天天" herein contains the meaning of "getting better day after day", so it can't be substituted by "every day".


tā měi tiān /tiān tiān dōu shì liù diǎn qǐ chuáng 


She gets up at 6 o'clock every day/ day to day.

Both "每天" and "天天" can be used in this sentence above, as there is only a slight difference in the meaning. "每天" refers to the situation where the same action happens every day. It highlights the action itself; while "天天" indicates that the same action happens every day, focusing on the repetition of the action. 

这个句子用"每天"、"天天" 都可以,意思上稍有差别。用"每天"表示许多天中,其中的任何一天都是如此,从微观角度具象地表述事件本身,突出了个体的特性;用"天天" 表示所有的天中,无一例外的全都是这样,从宏观视角度,强调了事件重复性发生的状态。 

2. Differences in functions:


"天天" only serves as an adverbial, modifying verbs or adjectives. It also modifies nouns, which are limited to temporal nouns. Formed together with the temporal nouns, the compound serves as a temporal adverbial. "每天" can either be used as an adverbial, modifying verbs or adjectives, or as an attribute to modify substantives. 


For example:

zhè gè xīng qī tiān tiān xià yǔ 


It rained every day this week. (adverbial)

zuì jìn gōng zuò tài máng, bú néng tiān tiān huí jiā le


I'm so busy that I can't go home every day recently. (adverbial)

tiān tiān wǎn shàng kàn diàn shì kě bù xíng 


It's no good watching TV every day. (adverbial)

tā měi tiān dōu děi qù yòu ér yuán jiē hái zi


She has to go to the kindergarten every day to pick the kids. (adverbial)

měi tiān de rì chéng dōu ān pái de hěn mǎn


The schedule is quite full each day. (attribute)

The article is translated and editted by Chinlingo. Please indicate the source for any use, reproduction or transfer. 


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