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7 notable quotes to enlighten children

children's day, learn chinese, quotes

Childhood is a fire illuminating deep in your memory, a mile of sunshine enlightening your early life, a ballad lingering in the alley and a kite flying afar in the sky. Today is the International Children's Day. Let's read some notable quotes to celebrate this special day!


ér tóng xǐ huān chén tǔ, tā men de zhěng gè shēn xīn xiàng huā duǒ yí yàng kě qiú yáng guāng


Children like dirt, while their whole body and mind crave for sunshine like flowers. 

—— 泰戈尔

― Ranbindranath Tagore

tóng nián shí dài shì shēng mìng zài bú duàn zài shēng guò chéng zhōng de yí gè jiē duàn, rén lèi jiù shì zài zhè zhǒng bú duàn de zài shēng guò chéng zhōng yǒng yuǎn shēng cún xià qù de


Childhood is a period of life reprocess in which human being survives for good.

—— 萧伯纳

― George Bernard Shaw

tóng nián yuán shì yì shēng zhōng zuì měi miào de jiē duàn, nà shí de hái zi shì yì duǒ huā, yě shì yì kē guǒ zi, shì yí piàn ménɡ ménɡ lónɡ lónɡ de cōng ming, yì zhǒng yǒng yuǎn bù xī de huó dòng, yì gǔ qiáng liè de yù wàng


Childhood is the most wonderful period in one's life, the child then is a flower, a fruit, dim intelligence, an endless activity and a burst of strong desire.

—— 巴尔扎克

― Honoré Balzac

wǒ yǐ wéi jiù shì shèng xián háo jié, yě bú bì zì cán tā de tóng nián, zì cán, dǎo shì yí gè cuò wù


I believe sages and heroes should not feel ashamed about their childhood. Self-guilt is a fault. 

—— 鲁迅

― Lu Xun

yào shì tóng nián de rì zi néng chòng xīn huí lái, nà wǒ yí dìng bú zài làng fèi guāng yīn, wǒ yào bǎ měi fēn měi miǎo dōu yòng lái dú shū


If my childhood can reappear, I will not waste time and l will make good use of every minute reading.

—— 泰戈尔

― Ranbindranath Tagore

rú guǒ nǐ bù shǒu xiān péi yǎng huó pō de ér tóng, nǐ jiù jué bù néng jiāo chū cōng ming de rén lái


If you do not cultivate lively children first, you will never turn out clever persons.

—— 卢梭

― Jean-Jacques Rousseau

ér tóng bìng bú shì shēng lái jiù yǒu jiē shòu xué xí zhī shi de qīng guī jiè lǜ de yuē shù de


Children were not born able to accept the restrictions of learning.

—— 泰戈尔

― Ranbindranath Tagore

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