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How to explain these Chinese buzzwords in English

chinese buzzwords, learn chinese

1. 约吗?

Wanna date me?

chinese buzzwords, learn chinese

2. 也是醉了。。。

I am speechless.


3. 给跪了

Give me a break!

chinese buzzwords, learn chinese

4. 那么,问题来了。

Here's the question.

chinese buzzwords, learn chinese

5. 有钱就是这么任性!

Rich bitch.


6. 我读书少,表骗我

Don't take advantage of my illiteracy.

chinese buzzwords, learn chinese

7. 整个人都不好了!

I have goose flesh.

chinese buzzwords, learn chinese

8. 也是蛮拼的

Give it one's best shot.

chinese buzzwords, learn chinese

9. 这画面太美我不敢看

I can't afford to take a look at it.

chinese buzzwords, learn chinese

10. 安静地做个美男子

I just wanna be a lady-killer quietly.

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