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Chinese phrases you’ll hear in basketball game

Chinese phrases, learning Chinese

Are you a basketball fan? Here are some Chinese phrases you might hear when watching a basketball game.


Air ball: Sarcastic term to describe a shot that doesn't touch the rim.

三不粘 (sān bù zhān):用来讽刺不粘篮筐的投篮。

Alley-oop pass: A pass thrown to a player who is running toward the basket. The second player leaps and catches the ball in midair, then dunks it or lays it in before he lands.

空中接力传球 (kōng zhōng jiē lì chuán qiú):把球传给正在跑向篮筐的球员。第二个球员跳跃,在空中接住球,在他落地前扣篮或者上篮。

Assist: A pass that leads directly to a basket.

助功 (zhù gōng):能直接得分的传球。

Backcourt: A team's defensive half of the court.

后场 (hòu chǎng):球场上球队防守的部分。

Baseline: The line at each end of the court under each basket.

底线 (dǐ xiàn):在球场两头每个篮筐下面的线。

Bounce pass: A pass thrown by a player to a teammate that bounces on the floor.

击地传球 (jī dì chuán qiú):一名球员将球击地传给队友。

Brick: A hard and errant shot that caroms wildly off the basket or backboard.

打板 (dǎ bǎn):过于用力,导致弹出篮筐或篮板的失误的投篮。

Charging: A violation in which an offensive player runs into a stationary opponent.

撞人 (zhuàng rén):进攻队员撞到没有动作的对于的违例情况。

Chucker: A player who never met a shot he didn't like.

投手 (tóu shǒu):从没碰到不舒服的投篮位置的球员。

Cut: A quick move by an offensive player, usually toward the basket, to get in position for a shot.

切入 (qiē rù):防守队员快速跑动,通常是跑向篮筐,以得投球位置。

Downtown: Far from the basket, often synonymous with beyond the three-point arc.

中场 (zhōng chǎng):距篮筐较远的地方,通常意味着三分线之外的地方。

Foul: A violation. Usually, illegal contact between two players.

犯规 (fàn guī):违例。通常指两球员间非法接触。

Free throw: An uncontested shot from 15 feet, worth one point. A player who is fouled while in the act of shooting receives two free throws.

罚球 (fá qiú):距篮筐15英尺罚球线的无竞争的投篮,值一分。当球员阻止二分技篮犯规时会被两次罚球。

Frontcourt: A team's offensive half of the court.

前场 (qián chǎng):球队进攻的半场。

Hand-checking: A violation in which a defender uses his hand to impede a player's progress.

打手犯规 (dǎ shǒu fàn guī):违例。指防守队员用于阻挡球员运球。

High post: The area around the free throw circle.

高位 (gāo wèi):罚球弧附近。

Hook shot: A shot taken with a sweeping, hooking motion. May be taken stationary or while running.

勾手投篮 (gōu shǒu tóu lán):指下摆,勾手动作的投篮。可能是站着投也可能是跑着投。

Lottery: The process that determines the order of selection, among the non-playoff teams, in the first round of the draft.

抽签 (chōu qiān):季后赛球队在第一轮选秀中决定顺序的步骤。

Overtime: A five-minute extra period that is played when the game is tied after four quarters. If a game remains tied following an overtime period, another is played and another until there is a winner.

加时 (jiā shí):当两队四节比赛结束时仍然不分胜负,比赛会延长五分钟时间。如果在加时时间段内仍然是平于的话,会继续加时,直到有一方胜出为止。

Pump fake: A fake in which a player motions as if he is going to shoot the ball but holds back, hoping his defender will jump out of position.

假动作 (jiǎ dòng zuò):一种假象。可能他看起来要投球但是却把球收回来,这样希望防守他的队员可以跳出自己的位置。

Set shot: A shot taken while a player has both feet on the floor in a set position.

定点投篮 (dìng diǎn tóu lán):指球员两脚着地以一种固定姿势投篮。

Steal: To take the ball away from the opposing team, either off the dribble or by picking off a pass.

抢断 (qiǎng duàn):把球从对方球队中抢走,或者在运球时抢断或者再传球时抢断。

Three-point shot: A field goal worth three points, taken from beyond an arc that is 22 feet from the basket.

三分球 (sān fèn qiú):距篮筐22英尺的地方,边线外技中的球值三分。

Tip-in: To tip a missed shot into the basket.

补篮 (bǔ lán):把没有投中的球补到篮筐里。

Traveling: A violation in which a player takes too many steps without dribbling the ball.

走步 (zǒu bù):违例。指球员没有运球而且走了很多步。

Turnover: Loss of ball, either through an errant pass or dribble or an offensive foul.

失误 (shī wù):投球失误,原因可能是传球失误,运球失误或者进攻犯规。

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