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Jesse Appell: an American good at Chinese cross talk

Jesse Appell, Chinese cross talk, Chinese comedy

Jesse Appell (Chinese name: 艾杰西) is a Fulbright Scholar Alumni whose research focuses on Chinese humor and performance. He is a disciple of master Chinese cross talk (相声, xiàng sheng) performer Ding Guangquan, and regularly perform cross talk, bilingual improv comedy, and Chinese stand-up live and on TV. 


Jesse creates comedic online videos intended for the Chinese audience; one of these, "Laowai Style," gathered 2 million hits across several media platforms. Jesse's performances, writing, and commentary on Chinese comedy, media, and culture have been seen and heard on CBS, TEDx, PBS, NPR and PRI, as well as Chinese media such as CCTV, BTV, and CRI. He has performed Chinese comedy at Yale University, University of Washington, Brandeis University and more on his "Great LOL of China" North American tour. He was listed as one of the "People of the Year" by the Global Times in 2012. 

他制作了一系列面对中国观众的视频作品,其中,最广为人知的"老外Style"获得了20万的点击率。他在美国经常做高校巡演,曾经在哈佛,耶鲁,布朗等学校给当地华人留学生做喜剧专场演出。 他曾经上过《谁能逗乐喜剧明星》,《非常了得》,《环球神奇炫》,等节目,经常在电视台脱口秀节目当嘉宾。他是全国最有经验的即兴喜剧演员之一,在中美两国演过十多年即兴喜剧,也在北京大学附属中学教即兴喜剧课程。 在CBS,CCTV、BTV、CRI、TEDx、PBS、NPR、PRI等各大中外媒体上,常可见艾杰西的身影及其关于中国喜剧、媒体和文化的著述和评论。他于2012年入选环球时报"年度人物"。

Jesse founded www.laughbeijing.com, with the focus of using comedy to bridge cultural gaps.


Videos of his performance:

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