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How to form a fraction in Chinese

Chinese grammar, fraction in Chinese, learning Chinese

"分之 (fēn zhī)" is used to form a fraction in Chinese. When expressing a fraction, the denominator is always said before the numerator. This pattern is also the way percentages are expressed in Chinese.



denominator + 分之 + numerator


So a 1/2 is read 二分之一 (èr fēn zhī yī), not 一分之二 (yī fēn zhī èr). To say a percentage, for example, 50 percent, you would say 百分之五十 (bǎi fēn zhī wǔ shí).

因此,1/2是读作"二分之一"而不是"一分之二"。表达百分比的话,例如50 percent,你可以说"百分之五十"。





wǒmen bān yǒu sān fēn zhī yī de tóngxué shì wàiguó rén.

One third of our classmates are foreign students.



wǒmen yǒu èr fēn zhī yī de jīhuì chénggōng.

We have 50 % chance to succeed.



zhè zhǒng shìqing fāshēng de kěnéng xìng shì wàn fēn zhī yī.

The likelihood of this kind of thing happening is very little.



Shìjiè shàng zhǐyǒu bǎi fēn zhī sān de rén néng kàn dǒng zhè zhāng tú.

Only 3 % of the world's population can understand this map.

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