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Lines Pick 4: learn Chinese from lines in US TV series

Hey guys! Do you like watching American TV series? If you do, congrats! Now we will pick some amazing lines from these shows and make them easier for you to learn Chinese! Read on!


House of Cards (纸牌屋, zhǐ pái wū)

American TV series, TV shows, learning Chinese

Help me, help you. 


yǔ wǒ fāng biàn, yǔ nǐ fāng biàn.

2 Broke Girls (破产姐妹, pò chǎn jiě mèi)

American TV series, TV shows, learning Chinese

There is no luck. There is only work. 


shì shàng méi shén me yùn qì, zhī yǒu nǔ lì qù tiāo zhàn.

The Flash (闪电侠, shǎn diàn xiá)

American TV series, TV shows, learning Chinese

Some people, when they break, they can't be put together again. Somepeople heal even stronger. 


yǒu xiē rén yī dàn shòu shāng le jiù zài yě wú fǎ fù yuán, yǒu xiē rén què zài zhì yù hòu gèng jiā qiáng dà.

The Big Bang Theory (生活大爆炸, shēng huó dà bào zhà)

American TV series, TV shows, learning Chinese

Whatever you do, just don't make any rash decision. 


wú lùn nǐ xiǎng zuò shén me, qiān wàn bú yào mào rán xíng shì.

Once Upon a Time (童话镇, tóng huà zhèn)

American TV series, TV shows, learning Chinese

Survival isn't living. 


huó zhe bú dài biǎo shēng huó.

The article is translated and editted by Chinlingo. Please indicate the source (info.chinlingo.com) for any use, reproduction or transfer. 


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