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Lines Pick 3: learn Chinese from lines in US TV series

Hey guys! Do you like watching American TV series? If you do, congrats! Now we will pick some amazing lines from these shows and make them easier for you to learn Chinese! Read on!


House of Cards (纸牌屋, zhǐ pái wū)

So be it. 


shùn qí zì ran.

The Flash (闪电侠, shǎn diàn xiá)

Life's too short not to live. 


rén shēng kǔ duǎn, jí shí xíng lè.

Arrow (绿箭侠, lǜ jiàn xiá)

I don't think love is about changing or saving a person. It's about finding the person, who's already the right fit. 


wǒ rèn wéi ài qíng bú shì gǎi biàn huò zhěng jiù yī gè rén, shì zhǎo dào yī gè hěn shì hé nǐ de rén.

The Big Bang Theory (生活大爆炸, shēng huó dà bào zhà)

Well, you can't force things. 


yǒu xiē shì qíng shì qiáng qiú bú lái de.

The Vampire Diaries (吸血鬼日记, xī xuè guǐ rì jì)

If you are willing, I will always love you. Would you like, I will never miss。 


nǐ yào shì yuàn yì, wǒ jiù yǒng yuǎn ài nǐ, nǐ yào bú yuàn yì, wǒ jiù yǒng yuǎn xiàng sī.

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