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BOLD: 13 things the Germans know about China

Before Joachim Gauck, President of Germany, started his visit to China on Mar. 20, the BOLD had made a list telling 13 things about China, in the eyes of the Germans. 


smart, BOLD: 13 things the Germans know about China

1. Chinese prefer Smart minicars. Nanjing, the second largest city in East China, has the most Smart cars in the world. 


iphone, BOLD: 13 things the Germans know about China

2. Chinese use big-screen smartphones, the bigger the better. iPhone is the most popular smartphone in China, followed by Sumsang. 


BOLD: 13 things the Germans know about China

3. Chinese people are overtaken fans of all South Korean soap operas


santorini, BOLD: 13 things the Germans know about China

4. Chinese love spending honeymoon in Santorini. Only the photos taken here are considered as wedding photos. 


big-bang, BOLD: 13 things the Germans know about China

5. Currently, the Big Bang from South Korea is the most popular music band with younger Chinese. 

韩国男团Big Bang:有什么可大惊小怪的?中国年轻人最喜欢的就是韩国流行乐。时下最流行的就是男团Big Bang。

face-lift, BOLD: 13 things the Germans know about China

6. Have a plastic surgery in Seoul. Chinese spend a lot in travelling, as well as face-lift. Most of them like to have a plastic surgery in South Korea, for example, having an eyelid slicing operation, because the Chinese think that a double-fold eyelid makes them look more attractive. 


scorpion, BOLD: 13 things the Germans know about China

7. Chinese prefer eating scorpions to hamburgers. The younger generation love eating traditional Chinese dishes. 


BOLD: 13 things the Germans know about China

8. Chinese are the die-hard consumers of Rimowa, a famous bag brand. 

告诉我,你用哪个牌子的箱子?我跟你说哦…… 中国人是箱包品牌日默瓦(Rimowa)的死忠,能买得起的都买了。

BOLD: 13 things the Germans know about China

9. Chatting everywhere. "热闹" is translated into "Hitze-Krach" in German. They talk loudly in restaurants. They avoid quiet places. The most popular entertainment in China is eating, they like having meals with families and friends. 


leftover-women, BOLD: 13 things the Germans know about China

10. More and more leftover women. Those women that marry late and are above 27 years old are defined as "leftover women". 


BOLD: 13 things the Germans know about China

11. They enjoy life, but don't like bearing children. The age of family planning has gone, but most Chinese won't need a second child, because raising a child costs too much. They prefer to spend money on cars, traveling and smartphones. 


BOLD: 13 things the Germans know about China

12. Parents are often the matchmakers of their children. The scene is like this: the parents gather in parks and holding a sign reading "my son, 28, handsome and from key university, is seeking for a girl as a soul mate. She must be willing to bear children".  


BOLD: 13 things the Germans know about China

13. Selling clean air in bags. Chinese big cities are often shrouded in smog. Some Chinese begin to sell clean air in bags. The air can be from Canadian forests or the rural areas of China. 


The article is translated and editted by Chinlingo. Please indicate the source (info.chinlingo.com) for any use, reproduction or transfer. 


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