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Lines Pick 2: learn Chinese from lines in US TV series

Hey guys! Do you like watching American TV series? If you do, congrats! Now we will pick some amazing lines from these shows and make them easier for you to learn Chinese! Read on!


The Vampire Diaries (吸血鬼日记, xī xuè guǐ rì jì)

Life sucks when you are ordinary. 


píng yōng de rén shēng hěn kě pà.

The Originals (初代吸血鬼, chū dài xī xuè guǐ)

Don't make promises you can't keep. 


shǒu bú zhù de chéng nuò jiù bié shuō.

The Big Bang Theory (生活大爆炸, shēng huó dà bào zhà)

From now on, I'm gonna say yes. Whatever it maybe, the answer's going to be yes. 


cóng jīn tiān qǐ, wǒ yào jī jí jiē shòu yī qiē. bú guǎn shén me shì, wǒ dōu huì yǒng gǎn de qù jiē shòu.

Modern Family (摩登家庭, mó dēng jiā tíng)

You push people away, so when they leave, it doesn't hurt that much. 


nǐ gù yì shū yuǎn bié rén, zhè yàng dāng tā men lí kāi de shí hòu, nǐ jiù bú huì nà me nán shòu.

2 Broke Girls (破产姐妹, pò chǎn jiě mèi)

Look, eventually, you'll learn to do that on the inside.


zhōng yǒu yī tiān, nǐ huì xué huì lèi wǎng xīn lǐ liú.

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