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Gregory Fountain’s selfie video about “lianghui”


A selfie video was created by a young expat in Beijing, explaining what is "lianghui" or Two Sessions.

这两天, 一个在北京的外国小伙"一镜到底"自拍了一段解读中国两会的视频。

The scenes that he "tele-transported" himself in different places from his kitchen to Tian'anmen Square and the stunning closing view brought refreshing experience to the viewers.


He makes clear explanation about the National People's Congress and clever citing of Chinese philosophy in the video.


The young expat is named Gregory Fountain. One month ago, he arrived in Beijing from Yorkshire, UK, to start a new life.


He has enjoyed trying out all the different food, walking around the hutong alleyways and seeing the giant pandas at the zoo in Beijing.


Recently he frequently heard the hot word "Lianghui" or "two sessions", but his knowledge of Chinese politics is not too hot.


So he decided to learn about "Lianghui" and make a special video to explain to expats like him.


With his workmates and friends, Fountain made the awesome video in a week. He said that he couldn't wait to explore more about China.


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