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Why is a scandal or event suffixed with “门” in Chinese?

chinese word, chinese slang

Nowadays, as various "门事件" (mén shì jiàn, events or scandals) emerge one after another, "门" has become a sizzling netspeak. Just searching on line, different "门事件" would leap to your eyes immediately, including "艳照门" (yàn zhào mén, nude photo scandal), "自杀门" (zì shā mén, suicide scandal), and "尘肺门" (chén fèi mén, pneumoconiosis scandal). 


Used to be a common Chinese noun, "门" refers to the "gate, door or entrance of a house/building". However, in various "门事件", "门" has obviously become derogatory. These 门-suffixed events are basically related to scandals that go viral overnight. For example, "艳照门" refers to a nude photo scandal of the HK pop star Edison Chen. Here, "门" is obviously derogatory. From then on, different "门事件" emerges one after another, and "门" became a hot online catchword. 


But when exactly did "门" first become derogatory? It may date back to the "Watergate Scandal" in the U.S., which occurred in the 1970s, following a break-in at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. and President Richard Nixon's administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement. When the conspiracy was discovered and investigated by the U.S. Congress, the Nixon administration's resistance to its probes led to a constitutional crisis. In Chinese, Watergate is translated into "水门" (shuǐ mén) literally, as "water" is equivalent to "水" and "gate" "门".


Since then, most political scandals have been suffixed with "门" in Chinese. Gradually, it is extended to a wider range. Any new scandal or event can be named "XX门", as long as it is sensational and appealing to the public. 


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